Holding Yellow Lab Questions


Large Fish
May 5, 2006
Hello! So, I've had my 29g up and running for about two and a half months. There are four yellow lab cichlids in there and a boatload of snails. All of my labs have grown to a nice size, about 1.5-2.5 inches. I had all but given up hope that I had any females and today I came home from a short trip out of town and my cichlid (with an egg spot on the anal fin!) is holding! Her throat is all bulged out and she refused to eat and she is just hanging out in a rockhole. SO, my question is, should I put her in a little in-tank holding "cell"? I don't have an extra aquarium for her to go into unfortunately, but I'm worried that the other boys (but ya never can tell) will pick on her. Should I be concerned? or just let things happen? Anyone know about how long they hold for? (two weeks is what I gathered in the other threads). Looking forward to hearing what ya'll got to say! Thanks! *PEACE!*


Large Fish
May 6, 2006
Tampa, FL
If you plan on keeping the fry (which will probably number 5-15 for a yellow lab's first experience at mouth-brooding, and basically double to more than triple your yellow lab population), you'll eventually need a bigger tank for all of your cichlids.

If you don't intend to keep the fry, leave the mom where she is. The female may behave more reclusively. The males may continue to attempt to spawn with her and in frustration may resort to aggressive behavior. Relocate the mom if it ever appears their attempting to kill her.

They mouthbrood anywhere from 2-5 weeks (3 weeks being the norm). They are capable of going without food during the entire period, although some manage to nab small food fragments from time to time.

If you want to keep the fry, get another tank (55-gal) and leave the mother in the 29-gal. Remove her within two days after she releases the fry and utilize the 29-gal as a grow out tank. Female mbuna are capable of producing fry at nearly a monthly rate, and the broods tend to get larger as the female acquires mouth-brooding experience.

If you desire to sell or give away the fry but want to experience growing them out, keep the 29-gal and get a 10-gal and move the mother in there. Then rear the fry in 10-gal.

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
Congrats, its always an exciting moment.

First i will give my personal opinion. I'd let it all work naturally the first time. Let her get used to holding, being in the tank, etc. Most of the times cichlid spawns turn up very little to nothing the first few times anyway. The parents have to get it right. So if it were me i'd let her be (until a male started beating her to the point of death....in which case i'd move her).

I have taken Kay's last option at home. I have a 29gal lab tank with a 10gal "growout" that i move the mother to to let her spit and hold the fry.

I've never had much luck with those breeder nets and baskets. Fry or parents. I seem to have them both die, might be due to water flow or stress from being in such a small place. Take this option with a grain of salt.

2-3 weeks seems about right for holding.

(with an egg spot on the anal fin!)
Not a great way to sex a Mbuna now adays, if thats what you were referring to.


Large Fish
May 5, 2006
Thanks Kay and C-Man for your advice. I do intend on getting a larger aquarium because I want more than 4 fish. I didn't realize what I was buying until I had them in the tank and started to look up info. (thank god I found this site) Anyway, I really didn't intend on keeping the fry, especially with the tank size I have currently. I guess my main concern was that the female would get hounded and since she wasn't eating that it might be too much for her. I've been keeping a close eye on her overnight and through today and she isn't getting too much grief (all her finnage is intact so that's a positive sign). I guess I'll keep an eye on it. To be honest it is really exciting to see that my fish were comfy enough to breed butkinda sad as I don't think I'll be able to upgrade my aquarium until Late August/Early Sept. so it is a bummer that the fry will most likely be eaten or given away to the LFS. But who knows, we'll see. I could always get another credit card!

p.s. I would consider the ten gallon option, however I already had to buy another setup for a GSP that I ignorantly purchased (don't regret it now though that he is so happy in his brackish home). Three tanks in this apartment and I might as well just buy a swimming pool and fill it up in the middle of my living room. LOL Swim up bar, anyone?