Hello! So, I've had my 29g up and running for about two and a half months. There are four yellow lab cichlids in there and a boatload of snails. All of my labs have grown to a nice size, about 1.5-2.5 inches. I had all but given up hope that I had any females and today I came home from a short trip out of town and my cichlid (with an egg spot on the anal fin!) is holding! Her throat is all bulged out and she refused to eat and she is just hanging out in a rockhole. SO, my question is, should I put her in a little in-tank holding "cell"? I don't have an extra aquarium for her to go into unfortunately, but I'm worried that the other boys (but ya never can tell) will pick on her. Should I be concerned? or just let things happen? Anyone know about how long they hold for? (two weeks is what I gathered in the other threads). Looking forward to hearing what ya'll got to say! Thanks! *PEACE!*