Hole in betta's top fin


Medium Fish
Jul 12, 2003
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Hey guys, When I first got this guy he was fine. Then, after a few weeks I noticed this white dot on his top fin. Well, I figured it was ick so started treating for that but then it developed into a larger dot, so I switched to melafix and it seemed to clear up, well I continued with melafix for maintenance and the other day a noticed where the white spot was, there is now a hole! It is located next to the body in the middle of the fin and is about a cm wide. What happened?? The white spot had disappeared. I don't think the hole is getting bigger, but what do I do?


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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Likely the white dot was fungus are bacteria that ate the fin away (rot?). The hole is where the fin was eaten, and it should grow-out with time.

If the hole does not get bigger, or turn greyish along the edges, just keep the water clean, treat with Melafix if you like to promote faster fin-growth, and give it time.