Holes in fins?


Medium Fish
Jun 29, 2010
My angel is starting to develop holes in her fins and they are getting steadily shorter. I figure that it is fin rot, but all of my water perimiters are fine, and I have not put anything new (except maybe a few snails that were eaten) in the tank for several months. I don't know how she could have developed it!

the fins are not grey or discoloured in the least bit, so I am rather iffy about if it really is fin rot. Advice if that is what it is?

and if this is what my baby has, what is the best brand of treatment for it? Should I get rid of my tetras if they may factor into the fin rot from stress?


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
idk whats going on. sometimes goldfish can get finrot from seemingly normal water parameters, but at the same time when they are house with too many other goldfish. maybe you have too many fish in the tank with the angel? maybe the angel is somehow not getting a certain vitamin or protein?


Medium Fish
Jun 29, 2010
I don't know. I am going out of town and I don't have the time to set up a hospital tank before I leave. :( I'll pick up some meds while I'm out and place her alone in a tank when I get back and hopefully she will heal. I hate having sick fishies.