Holy cow! My Jaguars spawned!


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Ft. Worth, TX
I moved my 100g tank today. I traded all 3 Convicts, 2 Jack Dempsey's, and 1 Jaguar. All that is left is 2 pleco's. 2 Jags, and 1 Green Terror.

I set up the tank at my new place, got the filters running, and left to throw some darts after a hard day of moving. All I have in the tank atm is the gravel, 2 pieces of driftwood, and the above mentioned fish. No plants as of yet (they're still in a bucket). I dropped by the new place to make sure everything was holding water, and low and behold I now have about 200+ eggs layed out across my largest piece of driftwood! My buddy and I were like "OMG! We've only been gone for 4 hours!" The Jags were still laying eggs and fertilizing while we were watching, so we decided to leave and let them do their thing.

I never thought they would actually spawn at their young age, but I guess when you give them 100% clean water and a territory they can all their own, miracles can happen! Totally cool! Who needs fry? :D

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