Jan 19, 2008
Pardon my excitement!

What does THIS look like to you?

Thats RIGHT! Cory Eggs.

Im WATCHING my peppered corydoras lay the eggs into a pouch she makes with her two ventral fins til she has 4-5 in there then she drags her tail along the glass and drops them.

She is the only peppered cory i have. i REALLY want those eggs to hatch. Seeing as i got her recently, i have a few questions. Will those eggs have been already fertilized? or do cories fertilize AFTER the eggs are laid? If thats the case im prepared to go get a male from the petsmart. this begs the question, how does one sex peppered cories?
other questions:
What does it take to raise cory fry? (kissyboots i will of course be reading your threads)
How should i get the eggs to a seperate breeding jar/tank without breaking them?
Anything else i should know?

im excited! The first eggs from an interesting fish ever for me :D

Yay!!!!! How did she get the eggs into her pouch though? Usually she attaches to the male (cory spawning habits,) but if there's no male...

I'm not sure if they get fertilyzed before or after laying them. I think it's before because the male doesn't really touch the eggs after they have been layed. I would definitely get one or two more cories. If you can, get two males. I heard the more males there are the more eggs might get fertilyzed. I'm not sure but it doesn't hurt to try!

If they don't turn greyish in the next two days, they probably aren't fertilyzed. I have some right now too that were layed two days ago (on my filter, once again, dumb fish...:))

I discovered the eggs aren't that squishy actually. Just be careful because they are VERY sticky! I use a "credit card" to scrape them off. I put them in a mini container but I would suggest another tank.

Read my threads and that should help! KEEP US UPDATED!!! :D :D :D

Edit: Forgot to ask, what's your temperature at?

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Jan 19, 2008
well, its because i just got her a couple weeks ago that i was wondering. Perhaps they mate and the eggs come out later? as far as i could tell she was jsut laying them into the pouch while swimming around. i DO have a few Aenus in there but i doubt they would interbreed. would be awesome though. lol

Temp has been holding steady at 77 during the cooler hours, 79 during the warmer hours.

Someone started eating the eggs last night so i managed to save 10 of them from getting eaten. I had a cleaned out Mayo Jar that i filled about 3 quarters full with 50% Tank water, 50% distilled water. Dropped it in the tank and it floats well. Got the eggs in there now. Temp should stay regulated, I am wondering if theres anything else the eggs (and hopefully fry) will need in that container till i move them to something bigger.

EDIT: Ok so i went and got 3 more Peppered cories today, got them acclimated to the water in the tank and they seem to be doing ok. They havent really gone near the little cave where the other Peppered hangs out yet, but they are schooling with each other more or less. they seem a little subdued and lethargic but otherwise healthy. im gonna do a water change, kill the lights and put a little food in there. Ill update on their status in the morning.

also picked up a few more Oto's. Mine was looking lonely.

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Jan 19, 2008
so the 3 newcomer cories are ALREADY having fun in their new home! they are schooling with the female that was there before, and busily darting around the tank sniffing around in the gravel for food. ive seen them attack a sinking wafer already too!

The Oto's seem to be happy too they are schooling a little bit and one of them seems to have paired with the one i had in there before. Friends? companions? something more? stay tuned for more updates!

Jan 19, 2008
yeah they eggs must not have been fertilized :(

They are the same color as when she laid them and they are starting to get fuzzy... i think that means they arent alive. oh well. Ive got 4 peppereds now and i tried to pick up the narrowest, least rounded looking(male) peppereds that i could find. Hopefully i actually got males. if all goes well they will start to spawn soon.