honey gourami and dwarf gourami?

Aug 10, 2003
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Hello everyone,
I have a honey gourami in my community tank, and I was wondering if adding a dwarf gourami would cause any aggresion? They are both peacefull speceis, but I herd your not supposed to mix two different gourami speceis together. Any help would be great. Thanx.:)

Jul 15, 2003
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Honey Dwarf Gouramis (Colisa Sota) and Dwarf Gouramis (Colisa Lalia) are both characterized as being a "timid species that is peaceful towards other species. An excellent community fish for those tanks housing other peaceful fish." I know that you can keep dwarf gourmamis as a pair or group and expect agression only when spawning. I assume then that this means the two types can coexist peacefully. What you are not supposed to do is keep dwarfs with regulars (like blues for example) because of the different temperments. Regular Gouramis are semi agressive and will pick on the smaller, more colorful dwarfs. Hope this helps. Maybe someone who has more experience with Dwarf Gourmis could tell you something more specific.


Medium Fish
May 26, 2003
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My particular dwarf sucks. He chases everyone in my community tank except a pair of pearl gouramis- he tends to ignore them or get close to them but not give chase (the pearls ignore him, they happen to be female too). I used to have another male dwarf in there with him, but that one got incessantly bullied to sickness and was quarantined. After I started rearranging things in the tank on a weekly basis, he quit being such an aggressive dork.

I've read on more than a couple occasions that honey gouramis have a softer disposition than dwarves; in your case, you could consider having a ratio of more honeys to dwarf. I'm pretty sure that would be more successful than a 1:1 ratio.

May 28, 2003
Food Chain, Ontario
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Honeys have just about the best dispositions you could ask for. I've also seen tanks with gold gouramis who were very non-aggressive in a community tank, so you could try those. However, you will meet the odd fish the is the exception to any rule - an unusually friendly dwarf gourami, and very aggressive honey...

You also have to make sure that you have enough space in your tank - even the nicest gourami can get upset and agressive if it is in too close quarters with another gourami!


Small Fish
Jul 31, 2003
Santa Barbara
I have 2 dwarf gourami's and 1 blue and 1 golden, they all get along fine. If anything those little boogers are bugging my Tiger barbs! At first, the golden gourami (Goldmember) was so timid and shy, I thought he wasn't going to make it. After 2 days he was swimming and playing with the others. He's also first in line for food, LOL. The dwarfs are my favorite tho (Willow the more shy, hides in the sponge bob pinapple, and Migosh the brat, chases Willow sometimes). They have such personality. Plus Willow the sweeter one, always gets excited when I come close to the tank, I love that :)