honey sunset gourami and dwarf honey gourami difference?

hi. it seems like most posts here are about bettas! i love dwarf gouramis, i've had Powder Blue, regular Dwarfs, Flames and a Honey Sunset.
i've had no trouble identifying and finding for purchase most dwarfs, except the so-called honey dwarf gourami.
from online pictures he has a dark area on the underside, looking a gold/honey color. i have at home a honey sunset gourami, which is all red with clear/see-through fins.
for some reason at different LFS ive seen my fish identified as a honey dwarf, and obviously it's not...or is it?
are they the same fish, different levels or maturity? or are they two completely different fish? why the confussion then?

You'll definatly be able to tell the difference just with body shape.

(Too lazy for photobucket, links willl have to do)

Honey Gourami- http://www.aqua-fish.net/imgs/fish/honey-gourami-2.jpg
Dwarf Gourami- http://www.petpig.com/fish/fish/Gourami-Dwarf.jpg
(see how the Honey Gourami isn't as round)

The honey gouramis are smaller (2.5 inches) and more peaceful then the Dwarfs. I have two of both, and the Honey's have to be my favorite. I was just looking at the Honey Sunset, they look generally the same as the Honeys. Hopefully this helps, I'll post back if you need more!