Honing in on Stocking List - Advice?

Aug 2, 2009
Hi again everyone! I've been researching more on how to stock my new 36G which I'm cycling now. Here's what I'm thinking for it: male and female pearl gouramis (one each); six black emperor tetras (or black phantoms); six corydoras; and a pair of dwarf electric blue cichilds (???); and a fantail shrimp. I've got small, dark gravel, and plan on doing a combo of live and fake plants (a big floating fake fern for the gouramis) and lots of rock caves.

I know I'm over on the inch-per-gallon, but do you think it would work with these particular fish? I'd love to keep my red swordtail pair in there for color - but I'd really be overstocked then right?

I'd welcome any opinions anyone has! I'm going to let it cycle for another three or four weeks, at least, so I've got lots of time to rework my ideas. Thank you!


Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
Gouramis - I think you *might* be able to do 2 of these in a tank that size, but they'd have to get along. You probably won't be able to find any females, they aren't readily available as they aren't very colorful.

Corycats - good.

Tetras - good, I would focus on one large school of tetra, if this is the type you like, stick with it.

Cichlids - NO. These are fish that need specificly designed homes and can be very aggressive. If you want to do an all cichlid tank, that is a different matter.

You could add the swordtails if you cut out the cichlids.