~Horabagrus brachysoma~ Information Quest


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Hey all, finally I'm asking a question instead of answering one.

Actually this is more a quest for information than a question. I've had my two sun cats for quite some time now. The dominate one is a beautiful rich, molten gold color, the one-eyed submissive one (the $2 special I conned the pet shop into selling it to me for) is darkened grey, but still quite healthy.

The think is, I can't find much about them. Even the mightly PlanetCatfish.com has scanty information.

Has anyone ever seen a fully grown 18" sun cat before?
My two are roughly 2" each already (I'd say three but I know the glass and water magnify their size). They seem to have the ability to grow rapidly the way a channel cat might, but they are restricted by a 30 gallon tank size. If I move them into larger digs, will they get larger, or have I already done perminate stunting?

They both are in pretty good flesh from what I could judge, but they always seem to be hunting for food. They eat the goldfish pellets the goldfish don't catch, they eat the carnivor sinking tabs I put in for them. But they are constantly now swimming around probing the gravel for more and more.

They've also become increasingly bolder. Usually they have always hidden during the day, but now they are more active. At night I can hear them sometimes searching around on the surface. Granted my tank has always been somewhat dimly lit, but even when the full sun hits it for the few minutes a day it does, they are still out and about. And it is not just restricted to the bottom, they will use all tank levels. The only time they get shy is when I futz around in front of the tank.

Could they be responsible for shredding my goldfishs' fins? I don't notice that they harass the goldfish much, but I've been having issues with cronic fin shredding on my four smallest fish. These fish have no hope of ever fitting into the catfishs' mouths, but my two super-sized goldfish appear not to be affected by the shredding.

They seem to fight alot, where one fish will try to knock the other one silly with its pectoral fins, or grab a pect fin in its mouth. I don't want to clutter up the tank, but would more caves and rock refuge settle down the bickering, or do they simply need more space?

These cats are the utter best fish in the world, truely individual personalliteis. But I fear they may be outgrowing my ability to provide for them, namely a larger tank. I don't want to bring them back to any petshop, but I don't have other options. Anybody have a suggstion or two? I was thinking nice catfish fry, but I don't have the space to grow them out large enough to make a sandwich out of.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Sin City, again...
well i though i was gonna be able to give you a kick ass anwser,but i checked my reference material and and it said jack.the only thing i had was a half assed anwser in an old copy of t.f.h. and they had they same thougts as you.according to the article they grow to about a foot long.i doubt you can stunt their growth,even if you hope and pray for it.perhaps a prefab pond from home depot to tide you over?otherwise it's fish fry time,cause i think they will outgrow your 30 gal. i hate the way the fish with the best personalitys are always the largest.sorry if i wasn't much help.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Thanks Mike, don't worry about trying to be the source of all that is catfish all the time<G>. Somewhere I remember reading they are used as a food-fish in their native India, so that should've given me a hint to their potential size. I just figured that with their increasing popularity there might be more information out there on them. They used to be a rare find in the LFS, but I now see them more frequently, especially in the less than one inch size range. A good thing is that they cost about $8.00 a pop, which will discourage the 10 gallon tank novice from purchasing them.

Unfortunately, not a whole lot of LFSs out there have them identified correctly, selling them under the skews for other catfish. The reason I got my first one was because they were so new on the market three years ago I was completely intriqued and didn't think it would actually live that long in a goldfish tank. But they seem to be relatively undemanding in water quality or temperature, even handling the salt I've been using to try and ward away the shredding with good graces. And they've both been with me now a good three years, so I'm quite attached to "big cat" and "ol' one eye."

Maybe I'll take them down to an aquarium society auction and see if there are enthuasists that would give them a chance. The first time I saw an actual 12" ID shark was there, so I know someone has a huge tank.

I really need to move into my own place where I can have a nice wall-to-wall set up, or build my own pond, or something! My poor goldfish do also need the space, but I hesitate to put fan-tails in an outdoor pond setting. And again, lack of space restricts the pond in the living room setting. *sigh* Never thought I would end up in the same situation I try to ward all newbies from getting stuck in!! Should listen to my own advice sometimes.

Thanks alot Mike, best wishes to ya.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Sin City, again...
thats a good idea.i would have never though about an aquaruim society,mostly because we don't have one where i live.the only reason i suggested the pond was because they are suprisingly cheap,a great altenitive if you need something to hold a large volume of water at a low cost.i don't think my roomies would let me pull off the pond in the living room either.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I've kept having this dream that one day in the far-off future, when I eventually own my own house (something that is a delusion of gradure when living in NY USA) ,I would set aside one room and make it a meditation room of sorts. Have potted plants, one of those hang-from-the-celing corner chair things, and a sort of tank-pond like you see in some aquariums with a little water fall and all. A quiet, reflective place to read and have a little minerature indoor forest.

Good thing the guy I'm dating is also of the aquarium mind, but unfortunately like most "macho" men, he wants the entire wall-to-wall reef set up with wave timer, etc. For some reason, reef tanks, even those aestically planned, never grew on me. There is something about them, maybe the chronic "dirty" look to them, that doesn't make them as relaxing to me as a nice little planted freshwater tank. And I'm a person who tends towards laziness, and the constant fussing that a reef tank needs takes some of the joy from the hobby for me.

Our Long Island Aquarium Society meets the third friday of every month except for in July and August. I learned about it from an LFS employee that I'm fairly good friends with. Some of the topics are pretty interesting, like the one on building pond and breeding African Rift Cichlids. But the membership consists of all these 40-50 year old contractors and retirees bragging about their guppies or cichlids. A crowd I unfortunately don't really identify with. They have good bargin plants though in the auction. I haven't gone to a meeting in two years, having to work Friday nights now, which sucks.

If there isn't an Aquarium Society near you, maybe you should start one of your own.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Sin City, again...
i have thought about starting an aquarium society,but i'm the kinda person who would set a date for the meeting and then flake out and forget.i have noticed that aquarium societys tend to focus on either cichlids or live bearers.cichlids are fine fish but livebearers i think are quite boring,not much interest there. i love catfish because of the incredible variations that nature has given the catfish.we have a marine aquarium society,but like you said working nights sucks.i don't think i'll ever get the chance to go to one of their meetings. i did a couple of internet searches and i didn't find a thing.these fish might as well be ghosts as far as information goes.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Yeah, I realized that. Well, maybe in my spare time I could write up something, seeing as how these guys might be long lived. They are really beautiful fish, Mike, the ones in the LFS don't do the species justice. Once they've got a god home, they really glow!! And the "sun spots" on my dominate one looks like a full solar eclipse!!

It does take a whole lot of work, apparently, to keep one of those clubs up and running. The LIAS has had the same board of directors for awhile now because nobody wants to do the work. And I know, when I was part of a sorority back in college, and because our membership was so small, I had several officer positions. It took the whole fun out of being in the sorority, and because no one else really wanted to do their "job", and the fact that we were all graduating, and the fact that we had no new membership in the past year I was part of it, the sorority ended up closing doors. I miss it, but I understand why clubs are difficult to keep running. One officer position I wouldn't have minded, but I was Secretary, Rush Chair, Social Chair, Pan-hell/AGC Rep, and Sister-at-Large all in one semester. Not cool.