hospital tank/breeding tank???


Large Fish
Dec 5, 2002
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I set up a 10 gallon tank to breed neons for the first time. I fishless cycled the tank and everything was great, until i got sick panda cory and had to put him in their. He had some sort of fungus.

I treated the tank with some meds and unfortunetly the panda died.

The tank now is just sitting their running with no fish it it. I would like to know if i need to empty it out and recycle the tank or can i still use it as a breeding tank?


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I would do a complete disinfect/re-cycle on your q-tank and its equipment before using it for other purposes. Whatever killed your panda cory is in that tank, and fry are especially sensitive to bacterial infections and disease, even when an adult may be resistant.


Large Fish
Dec 5, 2002
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Yeah thats what I thought, thanks for the advice!

Think next time i see a sick fish at the petstore, I'll leave it there
:( Them panda corys are so hard to fine around here and i paid 8 bucks for it errrrh, just i should have known better, but it was worth a shot to try and save it cause i knew my LFS never would. I still ask myself why I keep going there... hmmm

Yeah, its frustrating sometimes. I've been trying to buy some harlequin raspboras at my local Petco for a long time, but there are always sick black neons in with them. They have been on sale three times now but the tank has had a little "not for sale at this time" sticker on it for months. I finally told the lady that worked there that I wanted to buy them and that I would put them in a quarentine tank first. She agreed to sell them too me. At least she asked questions before agreeing. Only 1 out of ten died, and I noted that it didn't have a bottom jaw when I got it home. It died two days later. The others are doing well and now live in a 55 gallon tank with some cardianals and discus.

Oh almost forgot to mention, I bought 8 panda cories for 90 cents each about two weeks ago at a going out of buisness sale. I've also seen them in Wal-Mart fish tanks sold as "Assorted Cories" for the same price as bronze, albino, and reticulated cories.

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Large Fish
Dec 5, 2002
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Panda cories 90 cents each! AHHH i got ripped, I paid 8 bucks for 2 sick ones that died on me. ERRH Oh will live and learn

I have some harlequin raspboras and love em, also have scissortail raspboras and love them too, they are neat!

Am in the process of recycling my 5 gallon. I do not think i'm going to try and breed my neons just yet. Mom had some baby guppies so i'm kinda involved with that. Boy are baby guppies cute!

Anyways, yet ANOTHER question I have is........

I have my hospital tank also up and cycles. HOPEFULLY i do not need to use this tank too much. I wanted to know would it be bad to put a female betta or something in there and if someone gets sick take her and put her in my 55 gallon whiile the other fish is being treated?

I love having the extra hospital tank, but wouldn't like to see something swimming around in there while its not being a hospital

Tank conditions would both be exactly the same as far as temp and water quality.

Any suggestions would be great and/or other fish ideas to put in this tank!

Thanks so much! Niki

P.S. I also have a 2 gallon tank with filters, heaters and such. I have never cycled this tank before. Are thnks that small harder to cycle? and keep water conditions up to par?