How active are they?


Large Fish
Nov 30, 2006
I recently bought some ghost shrimp for the 5 gallon and noticed they dont really do much. I got them on Saturday and they seem to only swim around when it is dark. If I have the light on they just sit there motionless. If the light is off and the blinds are open on the patio door they are doing the same thing. But when the lights are off and blinds are closed I see them swimming up and down in circles. Not to mention I can hardly ever find them I have noticed shells in there so I take it they are molting. I have 6 in there. There are no other critters in there. Just them and some java moss and java fern. O and all those yucky snails. Do they do anything or just sit there all the time? Can I get some more or should I leave it at the 6 that are in there?


Large Fish
Nov 30, 2006
The tank is completely cycled has been running since November. I had done a 75% water change last week before I got them.. I finally figured out what the ammonia issue was. My frog had died. There are no medications in the tank. I got them on Saturday. They look healthy in there and have been eating on algae wafers. I put one in there and they went to town on it. Kinda cool seeing it in there. Temp is 78. Amm=0 Nitrite=0 Nitrate=5. It is planted also.. It seems like they dont like the light but when me and my daughter are looking at them they are looking at us. How do I know this because if we move they move where we go to. Im sure we look like giant blobs though. haha