How bad am I overstocked?


Small Fish
Apr 5, 2003
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I have two 2.5"Blood Parrots, 5 1" albino corys, and 8 small tiger barbs in a 30 gallon tank. How bad is this overstocked?
With good filtration and regular waterchanges, will I be ok?



Superstar Fish
Feb 24, 2003
You will be fine if you keep up on water changes and have good filteration. I would even add some more if you met both of those.

- depthC


Small Fish
Apr 5, 2003
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a penguin 330 filter.

my bf posted on a blood parrot forum and everyone there said that our tank was just fine for 2 parrots a few corys and a few tiger barbs. i was just curious about it being overstocked since we got 3 more corys and a few extra barbs, and i can't find that website now.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Sin City, again...
your tank is fine for now.eventualy you will want a larger tank when those blood parrots get to 4-5 inches.a 55 gallon should do fine.but no time soon.i'm kinda up in the air about the blood parrots being aggressive.i have never seen a blood parrot go after any fish,although they do have the capacity to do so consideing the lineage of blood parrots.i suppose if they can open their mouths they may be a problem


Small Fish
Apr 5, 2003
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Originally posted by Slacker
The blood parrot is a cichlid yes? Poor cory's...
have you kept parrots with corys before, or are you speaking from your butt?

we did research on what fish to get to match up with our 2 corys that we had and we decided on BP's. A lot of members on the other forum I spoke of keep corys with BP's and they have no problems at all. All the information we attained from BP owners were that they were non-aggressive and were very good tankmates for corys.

i trust the words of those who have experienced as opposed to those who speculate.


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Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Racine, WI
Originally posted by Rochelle
have you kept parrots with corys before, or are you speaking from your butt?

if you did your research about blood parrots as you said you would know that your taking a risk as far as aggressivness goes they are a hybrid and as such their qualities are less consistent than other fish...i've heard of them being very peaceful to the point of being able to be kept in community tanks but i've also heard of them killing off entire tanks until they were the only one left....this can be true of many different fish but parrots and other hybrids seem to be more varied in behavoir due to the fact that they are hybrids

regardless blood parrots can get 10"+ and will need a new tank eventually (the tank you have is fine for now) unless their growth is stunted...also depending on how large they get and the size of your cories and other fish (also how well your parrots can open their mouths) they might make snacks of them, any fish (no matter how peaceful) might eat smaller fish

btw i am speaking from my butt as well (as you so politely put it) i've never kept parrots but have done my research on them so take what i said with a grain of salt

but i figured i'd repond because you may have put off some really helpful people off with your rudeness to slacker

beggars cant be choosers after all;)



Large Fish
Feb 14, 2003
Buffalo Grove, IL
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Rochelle...I know the BP site your talking about and it's been up and down for a long time.

As for the tank, so far you are ok. But don't add any more. Your BP's are going to start growing fast, especially if you start feeding them blood worms or brine. Not too sure why you have so mony cory's in a 30g tank though...must like them huh. But I think you reached your limits.'re right, thes fish can get to be 10" but don't forget, that's not overnight. Plus, because some distributors, prefer to dye their fish to enhance the color, that stunts their growth considerably. Anyone thinking of going into BP's should watch out for these dyed fish. BP's can be aggressive, but mine just like to chase each other around...still have to give them caves and such just in

And yes, my avitar is a baby BP before he changed colors.

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Superstar Fish
Apr 14, 2003
Valencia, California.
Like lizwinz said, they maybe peaceful but can be agressive, I am not speaking from my butt, but personal experience. My bf had a blood parrot in his 60 gal. It started off small, and ended up huge, this could partly be from all the fish it ate along the way.