how big can parrots get in a 36 gal tank?


New Fish
Aug 26, 2004
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i have 2 parrot fish and a pleco in my 36 gal hex aquarium. im just wondering how big could they get. i have another question for somebody who knows fish well, (im kinda new at this hobby). what other COLORFUL fish can i add in addition to my parrots?


Superstar Fish
Oct 31, 2003
Hampshire UK
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BP's get to between 6 and 8 inches - the Pl*co (unless you know exactly which type it is) has to be estimated to grow to 12 inches.

As such your tank can't possibly take what you have now once they're all grown to full size - it being a hex doesn't help, but in any shaped 36 you're pushing it.

You have two choices - change the fish for smaller types, or change the tank for a bigger one - minimum 55 gal for that lot

Welcome to the tank :)

Sep 23, 2003
TN, India.
Parrots get to around 9 inches. But if u've got them seeing their color, im sorry buddy they're gonna fade. Most of parrots are dyed.
Hex tanks hv many disadvantages o'er standard tanks. Hex tanks hv less surface area & hence less oxygen. At least a 36 gal std tank shd do.
And more o'er i think u wont hv more help here coz most of the hobbyists o'er here are pure hobbyists. Most of us wont welcome a topic bout man-made stuffs.


Superstar Fish
Oct 31, 2003
Hampshire UK
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Originally posted by Cichlidian

And more o'er i think u wont hv more help here coz most of the hobbyists o'er here are pure hobbyists. Most of us wont welcome a topic bout man-made stuffs.
You'd be surprised at how many MFT members have Parrots. Although we don't discuss them often, we are quite happy to defend them when neccessary, and help out those who need it.


Sep 23, 2003
TN, India.
Purple, this is a never ending debate. Aquariums are miniature version of natural habitats. There's no place for a man made stuff like a parrot or a flowerhorn.
I think a creature atleast needs a scientific name. Ones without any scientific name wont fit in any list except "Assembled toys".


New Fish
Aug 26, 2004
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i really appreciate your answers. at the time i was setting up my tank, it looked big enough. the price was big enough too lol. as far as the selection of the parrots, when i bought them, i had no idea that they were a hybrid created by man. but at the same time, they are still living breathing creatures, in their defense. of all the fish that ive gone through, they survived being the first fish i bought. hardy little suckers. i appologize to the people out there that are offended by these. nonetheless, im happy with them, and i treat them well. :)


Medium Fish
Jul 15, 2004
New Jersey
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I have a question. Are Parrotfish completely man-made or is it only the color dying thing thats a factor ?
I went to a fishtank this weekend and they had little parrotfish in all sorts of colors - yellows, reds, orange, purple, blue, white
The looked pretty. But I am a die-hard goldfish gal myself so I just admired them.
Their eyes look almost human. Its weird.

Mar 17, 2004
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Blood parrots are man made, and their are many different colour variants (dyed with a certain colour)

moosh: yeah your bp's are too big for a 36 gal, and it'll be even worse in a hex tank:(


Superstar Fish
Oct 31, 2003
Hampshire UK
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Originally posted by Cichlidian
Purple, this is a never ending debate. Aquariums are miniature version of natural habitats. There's no place for a man made stuff like a parrot or a flowerhorn.
I think a creature atleast needs a scientific name. Ones without any scientific name wont fit in any list except "Assembled toys".
Cobblers are they - lol - blue gravel - plastic coral - mixes of fish that would never meet in the wild............

aquariums are water containers - everything else about them has to be man controlled and thus not natural

If you wish to get them as close to natural as you can, then that is your choice - not everyone has to do that at all

I shall look up the greek or latin translation for blood parrot tomorrow and see if that makes them easier for you to stomach :p

each to their own Cichlidean.... (and i'm grinning while typing, so lets keep this light hearted please)

and to answer the thread starters queston - apparently parrots are a man made concoction of 3 different fish by the way - the jury is still out on exactly which 3 - as such they have no natural behaviour or environment


New Fish
Aug 26, 2004
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again thankyou all for your time and efforts to help me. hopefully in the future i can upgrade to bigger tanks and more/bigger fish. all comes down to the cash flow for me. i would like to get into the hobby as much as i can. i must agree with coronafan023, ive noticed their personalities. they are very smart too. id hate to get rid of them, but perhaps i SHOULD trade them in or something and get fish more suitable for my tank. its all a learning process for me at this point. i grew up with fish tanks, but to actually take care of my own and make decisions is new to me. we all start out somewhere. if i were to change my fish, keep the 36 gal hex, is there any super colorful fish out there besides guppies and goldfish that are fresh water? i find alot that is sold at stores are on the drab side.


Superstar Fish
Oct 31, 2003
Hampshire UK
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There are loads of colourfull freshwater fish - Haps - Mbuna - Gouramis - the list is a long one.

It kinda narrows down a lot to what you can get as opposed to what you would like to have, many are a bit expensive ($20+ per fish) - then there are the ones that are a pain in the butt to look after - and the ones that fight all the time

The trick is to be patient - wait till you see something you really really like - then go away and research to see what you're about to get into. So many people (myself included) have bought a fish on visual impulse, only to discover it's either totaly incompatable with the other fish they keep - or it's a hybrid or a dyed fish - or it needs it's own tank - or it grows to 4 ft long.....anyway - you get the picture.

Look - research - buy.........and in that order

Sep 23, 2003
TN, India.
I would suggest tht Gouramis fit in best for tanks capeable of holding only lower oxygen levels like hex tanks. Gouramis hv a special organ called labrynth thru which they synthesize oxygen directly from the air. Most of the cichlids need higher oxygen dissolved in water. But if ur particular in grooming cichlids then i suggest u can go for dwarfs like rams & apistos.
As purple pointed out its a long list.....only u know wht u need.
But whtevr fish u go try to gain as much knowledge as possible b4 gettin into it.