How can I change the way I look @ plecos?

Oct 22, 2002
I guess I could have Emailed catfishmike.  Maybe this thread has been started befor. anywayz.... Right now I look @ plecos in my LFS.  They look real nice.  I WANT ONE!  A real nice one that will be a bud and not die.:eek:


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Go to They have a whole picture gallery of plecos! I can sit for hours and drool. I make sure I read everything though, before I go to the store and buy. Some pleco species can grow quite large (which wouldn't do in my 20 gallon), so I simply narrow it down to those that don't get bigger than 4in. Some of them also have differant diets, believe it or not, not all plecos eat algae! Then I stalk LFSs from there. There is this one LFS by me that always has interesting pleco species, mangos, flagtails, gold nuggets (I'm gettin' one of these babies some day, they're lovely!). I got two clown plecos now(both under 1" they're soo cute) from where I used to work. Exotic plecos will be hard to find, but if you look carefully, they're out there.
~~Colesea (who will one day own an elusive zebra pleco)


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Ft. Worth, TX
Plecos can be a very nice addition to any tank. I have a gold pleco (not a gold nugget, I got rid of him) in one of mine, and he has got to be the best pleco I've ever owned. He's sittin' at a fat 6-7 inches or so, never eats plants, and is as calm as can be. I love my gold pleco!

Matt Nace

Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Rubber plecoes are really nice as well, and stay small. Bristle nose ones are neat too.

If your tank is stable, the exotic ones are really neat...I just won't shell out the $15+ for one. That would be 10 more tiger barbs...


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Sin City, again...
wow thanks some one read that,they told you the same thing i would have,but also the idea behind that is hopefuly catch newcomers eyes to help steer away or explane the needs of these lage fish.every time i go to my lfs i see the same huge plecos, they never change because no one can keep these giant fish.i hate to see these great fish end up at such sad help keep fish out of unnatural habitats someone may be temped to release one as it got too large. i heard that there are plecos that can be found in some waterways in texas.kinda far north or a pleco.with research you can find the pleco that's right for you.if you can get a clown plec or bushynose they stay small vs a common plec or sailfin those come in at 12 to 18".pdiddymoose what plecos are avaliable to you?i saw a green spot pleco today at my lfs and i almost bought it,such a wonderful fish but then i wondered how big does it get and i won't go buy the clerks word alone so i passed.and a warning to anyone thinking of getting a pleco, i'm getting an 84gal.just for's only five inches now but it will grow.i made the mistake of lack of research and now i'm stuck with could alway say "just trade it in"but thats not fun to trade in a fish you grew by if you ultmately just recycle these fish where will they end up?in the trash.may plecos are farm raised but exotic plecs are still wild caught.if people get these fish without the knowledge of what the fish needs then the ecological damage was wasted,as many species are being depleted from the wild for export and sale in the aquaruim trade hobby.perhaps i sound preachy but everyone should do their part. i will own the zebras soon i found a fish store in so.california that recevies some occaionaly get some and i'm going to try to arrange a shipment.i hope to breed some for the same instance i was talking lessen incursions into the wild and maintain the balance.where will you get a fish if theres none left and no one though to leave any to reproduce. matt's right on that plecos can cost as much as fancy discus or more.most the exotics i have found were about$50 for a goldspot,royals,queens. once i found a pair of zebras but the shop wanted $128 a piece.and they looked sick.

Oct 22, 2002
Hey Mike'

Glad you caught it.  Had to make the post.  Don't mind the preachin'.  I'm all for people bein' responsible.  If you need a licence to catch fish why don't you need one to keep them? Whole nuther thread.:-D

Anywaze,  haven't had much luck with plecs.  They are so cool though, I'm ready to try again.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
My two tiny clowns have been with me for a year now, no sign of breeding, but then again, I can't tell if they're male or female<G>. Or even if they are the same species<G>. One is very dark with good contrast between the background and the tan stripes. The other (when I can find it, it hides an awful lot), is almost the reverse,with narrow dark stripes and a nearly tan body, with not much contrast. I have a feeling that's because it is the submissive plec.

That is the one downfall of plecos, they do like to hide, alot. My dominate clown luckily choose a caven that I can conviently peek into and spy on him. But no matter how I arrange the decor, clown #2 does not like making public appearances. :)


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
The Blue Planet
The pl*co that's in my tank is very timid.  Only comes out when it's dark, and then there can be nobody around.  If I get up very late (like to let the dog out) I can see him.

The only other time I have seen him is a feeding time.  There have been a couple of days he came out of hiding when he smelled the algae wafers - I'm guessing.  He found himself a good one - and then chased anyone that got too close.  He scrubbed that wafer thin, then disappeared into the rocks and plants.  He will also come out to find shrimp pellets.  


Medium Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Been offline a few days.  Before that I was having trouble completing posts.  Changed our ISP. Now things seem fine.

Why was I having trouble keeping a pleco?  I confess that I'm not big on testing water. When I do test for Ammo and nitratrates, I'm always @ zero in established tanks unless I do something goofy like chang 50% H2O and vac 100% gravel and then change filter media and....

Anywaze,  wasn't doin' that when I bought a little plec from the LFS.  "Common" I suppose.  Bout 3".  LFS guy said would get about 5"-6".  Tank was 20g, well established.  Eight 1" red eye tets (philomena funkhausia SP?, not the large predatory african ones), three serpae tets, Four smallish home grown swordtails and among a "plethora" of the most beeootiful plastic plants a large piece of very real, very nice Malaysian driftwood.  Except for maybe the plants, sounds like a nice tank for a pleco, common or otherwise.  

Seemed to acclimate well.  When I could find him he seemed to be happy.  One day, after about only having him/her only two weeks, I lifted the bogwood and up floated Pleco.  No obvious sign of trauma or disease.  LFS guy was no help.  Asked if I had driftwood.  I did.  Then he said "Some people just have bad luck with 'em.  My brother-in-law can't keep 'em.  I've never had a problem with 'em though."

BTW is it true all plecos and/or other algae eatin "catfish" NEED a piece of driftwood to chew on?  

Could I have starved my pleco in two weeks?  Algae was in the tank, though not in huge quantity.  Didn't supplement with sinkin' wafers.  Didn't think I had to.  Didn't test for pH, kH, or gH.  LFS guy said "We don't modify our water and you get it from the same souce we do.  So, if they do awright in our tanks, they should do awright in yours."  Anyway, now that I know different,  would a slightly elavated pH been cause for pleco's demise?  around 7.4-7.8 ?  Our tap water's about pH 7.2.  I've seen it go higher in a tank I have been lazy with.  Doubt that tank was higher than 7.8.  Is that bad?  

I'm lookin ta start a planted 20g.  Tryin that "new fangled" fishless cycle with it, so I guess I'll be

Peas out yo,



Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Being lazy with water quality and care is bad news for any fish, even plecos.  Starved algae eaters is a very common thing. When there isn't enough algae for the fish to eat, and they are not sublimented with a bottom food, they will most likely perish. Some people think that plecos can eat all algae, but that's not true. Their mouths are very big, so they can't get into the small, tight places. People will buy an algae eater because they see algae in the crevices and cracks of decor, but not realize that the Pleco isn't "cleaning" it simply because he can't reach it with his mouth.

Check for what your pleco will eat. Some pleco species do feed exclusively on wood, and even the common pleco should have access of it since the older they grow, the more wood becomes a component of their diet. Common plecos are also known to be a bit omniverous and should have a meaty subliment as well (worms, Hikari sinking carnivor wafers) for full nutrition.


Medium Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Thanks Cole.  I didn't buy a pleco to take care of algae.  I bought it because I think they're very cool.  I really didn't think I was treating it badly, but, once again- an illustration of how ignorance kills.  Thanks for the advice.  I will continue to post as I build my newest tank.  Now that I've found MFT, ignorance can be no excuse.

