Been offline a few days. Before that I was having trouble completing posts. Changed our ISP. Now things seem fine.
Why was I having trouble keeping a pleco? I confess that I'm not big on testing water. When I do test for Ammo and nitratrates, I'm always @ zero in established tanks unless I do something goofy like chang 50% H2O and vac 100% gravel and then change filter media and....
Anywaze, wasn't doin' that when I bought a little plec from the LFS. "Common" I suppose. Bout 3". LFS guy said would get about 5"-6". Tank was 20g, well established. Eight 1" red eye tets (philomena funkhausia SP?, not the large predatory african ones), three serpae tets, Four smallish home grown swordtails and among a "plethora" of the most beeootiful plastic plants a large piece of very real, very nice Malaysian driftwood. Except for maybe the plants, sounds like a nice tank for a pleco, common or otherwise.
Seemed to acclimate well. When I could find him he seemed to be happy. One day, after about only having him/her only two weeks, I lifted the bogwood and up floated Pleco. No obvious sign of trauma or disease. LFS guy was no help. Asked if I had driftwood. I did. Then he said "Some people just have bad luck with 'em. My brother-in-law can't keep 'em. I've never had a problem with 'em though."
BTW is it true all plecos and/or other algae eatin "catfish" NEED a piece of driftwood to chew on?
Could I have starved my pleco in two weeks? Algae was in the tank, though not in huge quantity. Didn't supplement with sinkin' wafers. Didn't think I had to. Didn't test for pH, kH, or gH. LFS guy said "We don't modify our water and you get it from the same souce we do. So, if they do awright in our tanks, they should do awright in yours." Anyway, now that I know different, would a slightly elavated pH been cause for pleco's demise? around 7.4-7.8 ? Our tap water's about pH 7.2. I've seen it go higher in a tank I have been lazy with. Doubt that tank was higher than 7.8. Is that bad?
I'm lookin ta start a planted 20g. Tryin that "new fangled" fishless cycle with it, so I guess I'll be
Peas out yo,