How could i have been so irresponsible

Sep 8, 2005
I have 7 tanks and 1 python [recently bought another so now 2 ]. My goldfish has flukes. Probably brought in with anacharis and hornwort that were grown in a pond. The plants were rinsed but not with potassium pomegranate Sp?. The python was used on all tanks. Rinsed only with water after each use.

If you use equipment for multiple tanks you need to use a bleach solution or the potassium solution so as not to cross contaminate tanks. I did not so guess what...I'll be treating 7 tanks this week.

Thought i would share my horrible tank practices so no one else will do this.

And I'm a nurse... go figure.


Small Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Sorry to hear that prettypleco. Hope your fish get well.
I try to be careful with the gravel vacs (don't have a python:( ). But, what about the bucket I siphon the water into? I rinse my filter sponge in the old water. If there's a prob with one tank should I use a different bucket to siphon into as well?

Sep 8, 2005
timmie2 said:
Sorry to hear that prettypleco. Hope your fish get well.
I try to be careful with the gravel vacs (don't have a python:( ). But, what about the bucket I siphon the water into? I rinse my filter sponge in the old water. If there's a prob with one tank should I use a different bucket to siphon into as well?
Each tank has it's own bucket, nets etc. However i used the python for all the tanks and rinsed with hot water only. I did not know i had a problem. Just good practice to sterilize each time to insure no transfer of problems you are not aware of. I should have known this.