OK, so I haven't been to attentive to my tank in the past couple days because right now there are boxes stacked in front of it (early spring cleaning), so I can reach over and feed them and all, but haden't had the time to sit down and watch them like I normally do, so today I decide to. I then spot one neon looking bad, then check the other 2, yep, neon tetra disease! But HOW? I thought the only way to get it was through feeders and/or new/dead fish? We have not gotten any new fish in a long time, no fish have died in this aquarium (we switched them over a couple months ago) and we have only been feeding flakes. Any Ideas? This really stinks The head tail lights don't have any noticeable signs, and I am not sure, but my oto and guppies can't get it can they? Any suggestions other than putting down the neons? My husband will have to do it when he gets home, he's going to be really upset, these guys have been with us for a while, there his favorite fish in the tank. Any extra precautions I should take?