How do Cichlid's mate??

Jul 4, 2005
i just got done cycling my tank, and i noticed two of my cichlids (orange vs purple) started to chase each other around the tank. they then took turns sucking each others rear side. then their lips were attached to each others lips just like how us humans kiss one another. they were sucking each others lips for a good 45 secs. now the purple fish has a black mark above his lips, and he seems to be changing colors (from a purple to an off yellow) and he's staying in one corner of the tank. WERE MY TWO CICHLIDS JUST MATING OR WERE THEY FIGHTING? I doubt they were fighting though because they've been in the same tank with two other cichlids for about 2 months now, and i just witnessed this today. they couldnt have gotten along all this time, until today.. or could they??? answers anyone???

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Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
Saying you have african cichlids is like getting getting in a crowd a people and yelling "Hey you with the skin!" Not very descriptive, and can become extreamly confusing. For the most part, cichlid breeding can be one of two ways. Mouth brooding, and cave/substrate spawning.

Your fish come from Lake Malawi, as to what species I'm not entirely sure. But a majority of the fish from that lake are mouth brooders, meening that the females lay the eggs, the male fertilizes them, and then the female will then scoop the egg up in her mouth to incubate them.

When you said they 'sucked on each others rear' this is what I thought of. However if the pictures you posted are after this happened, then it doesn't look like either of the fish are holding, so they may not be up to mating just yet. Lip Locking can also be a sign of mating, but at the same time can be a sign of aggresion.