how do I control my ph levels in my 60g tank


Small Fish
Jan 27, 2008
Lotus pointed me to Aquarium Chemistry, pH, gH, and kH relationship for something similar, this will surly help you out.

IMO as long as your not adding things to change the PH like chemicals (PH-UP,PH-DOWN,etc), or things like crushed coral/driftwood and your tap water/water changing water has a "like" PH, your PH shouldnt be moving that much. ... CO2 injection will also lower your PH

As the article points out, shifting PH is due to low KH, adding baking soda to your water will raise your KH (and your PH some too) and make those PH swings less and less till you get it dialed in.

I would only treat your water-changing water to raise the KH to make sure you dont over dose and wipe your tank from the PH/KH shift.

Also note, if your tank is cycling, your PH will be a roller coaster till it is done.


Small Fish
Feb 4, 2008
yah my tank is a 60 gallon in its second week of cycling i only found out today that my return on my filter fluval 305 has to be above the water level making bubble or water movement for oxygen so that would be why iam having all these problems. so yes my tank is cycling and i think i got my filter right now.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Ft. Worth, TX
The pH of your water is the least of your worries. You will do more damage trying to control it than you would by simply leaving it alone. Unless you have a special case, you'll be fine. If you don't know what the special circumstances are, you're fine. Stability is the key to success.