How Do I Get Snails

Apr 28, 2005
Id like to get a snail and add some biodiverity to my tank. Does anyone Know were or how to get one?

Apr 10, 2005
Vancouver Island BC Canada
local pet store?

Hey there,

I've got two, a black one and a peach colored one :) I asked at the local pet store (LFS) and they had a little bucket of them. I picked two, spent $5 and that was that.

I'm worried though, read loads of posts about them reproducing really fast.... one month into it and my snails are just happy and really fun to watch. Man, they are fast, and halarious to see there little bodies suctioned to the tank, sucking at the glass, with their google antennae dealies.... really cute :)

anyways, that's where I would try first, but I'm sure there are many many online order places too :)

on lovely Vancouver Island BC :) *SUNSMILE* *SUNSMILE*


Large Fish
Jun 21, 2003
Visit site
I believe Apple snails and some other "desireable" snails reproduce sexually, so they will not overrun your tank if you don't have both sexes. It's the little pond snails that that become pests, they can reproduce on their own. So it really depends on what species you get. Most people accidentally get the "pest" kind of snails when they buy plants or new fish. You'll get tired of these fast, and they are hard to get rid of completely.

yes, apple snails (or mystery snails) have to have both sexes in the tank to they lay eggs above the waterline, so if you don't want more snails, you can just scrape the clutch off and throw it away.

Your LFS will prob have some brown apple snails, or you can find apple snails in many colors on eBay and Aquabid. There is also an awesome snail website called ...more info than you could ever want on snails ;) :)