How do you feed it?

Yesterday I asked my mom if we could go to Petsmart, I wanted to look at things I'd need for the planted tank I want. While we were there, we started looking at ADFs. We couldn't find any, so while we were looking around, an employee came over, and asked if he could help. We asked if they had any ADFs, and he pointed us to em, and my mom bought me one! I was so excited that I forgot all about the planted tank things.

Anyway, we came home, and I floated the bag in my tank, then we left for WalMart to get groceries, we came back and I let the frog into the tank. She was pretty happy (I think it's a she). But I don't know how to get her to eat... The food we got her is supposed to float, but it doesn't, and my mollies eat most of it. How do I feed her?


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
Here's the paragraph you need:

Frozen Bloodworms are a great frog food. Thaw the worms in a small cup. When thawed, grab a couple using either the tweezers or the turkey-baster and dangle them in front of your frog. They will strike quickly and will swallow them whole. Other foods can include very small pieces of frozen krill (too big and the pieces can be hard to digest), peas, live black worms, earthworm pieces, or whatever your frog likes to eat.


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
I've found the tweezer method works much better.... I had serious issues getting stuff to stay in the turkey baster and come out right on the frog's nose. Tweezers are much easier... dangle it in front of the frog, when he grabs, let go and he should pull it off.