How do you put pictures in posts?!?!

I want to post pics of my tank on rate my tank but every time I try it doesn't even appear on the preview. Do they usually not appear there? I select the pic I want to attach and nothing happens. I'm using a bmp file. If someone could either answer this incredably stupid question or put me out of my misery it would be greatly appreciated. Sorry for wasting your time and thanks for the help.


Large Fish
Aug 17, 2003
when creating a post if you scroll down a bit you will see an option to attach a file, just click on browse to locate the file on your harddrive...

or if you have webspace to upload pics to you can use the IMG button above the box that you type you message into...

It is getting to the point where it might be too big but it was still under the limit by like 2 MB. It refuses to turn into a jpg. I scanned it in and it saved as a tif and the only thing I could change it into was a bmp since tif doesn't work on this site.

When you preview a post that you attatched a pic to does it show up in the preview. That is really what I want to know because I think I can work it out from there. My mom is a network administrator so she knows all this computer stuff so if I could figure out if the pics showed up in previews I bet we could solve it. Thanks again.


Large Fish
Aug 1, 2003
Washington State
Visit site
yes my pics show up. I used photoimpression by arcsoft. I put the picture in there and resized it and then saved it as a jpeg and it worked fine. I forget what the file name was before but whatever it was, I had to change it. Sorry that's all I can tell you.