how do you remove calcium build-up?

Aug 13, 2011
I just got a tank/filter with calcium build-up all over the glass and filter. I soaked it for 2 days in vinegar and used the scrubby pad/razor blade, even tried lemons. I don't want to use bleach.. There must be a hobbyist out there that has a solution to my dilhema... The dried up "white" looks awful!(I'll
never understand why people breakdown a tank and don't wipe it clean while the junk is still fresh..Once it dries and calcifies, it's a nightmare to clean.)



Superstar Fish
Bleach is fine to use, rinse it really good. I am not sure how it would work. Most of that lime/calcium gets there from the water source. The best thing I have found is a good old fashioned razor blade and a lot of sore arm. I have used the CLR and lime remover in the past with OK results. I still had to put some sore arm into it though.