how is my stock?


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
hi all, sorry ihavent been around, my computer is not working properly but iwould like your opinion on my fishtank

90 gallon
20% water change every week.
EMP 400 filter
77 degrees


1 Pearl Gourami
1 Gold Gourami
1 three spot blue Gourami
6 tiger barbs (2 albino 2 green 2 Tiger colored)
9 Harlequin Rasboras
3 Khuli Loaches
3 Clown Loaches
1 Red Tailed Shark

can i put more? or will it be too crowded? ok thanks.

Oct 22, 2002
Personal opinion:  Doesn't look overstocked yet.  Could easily hold some more things, but then again, that's probably dependent on the size of the gouramis, since some of them can get very large.  You can always try adding a small number of fishies and see if there's a problem.  If this causes a lot of stress on everyone, then maybe you should look into returning/relocating new arrivals.  Realistically, it looks like it should be quite safe to add a fair number of new fish, you'll just have to be careful of what due to the TBs.  Once again, tho, just my opinion.