Soulfish - are you still working with a cichlid distributor? Do you see many wild caught fish? How big are they.
I'm familiar with wild caught apistos which are usually much larger than tank raised, and ditto I've seen plenty of 3inch rams. But I believe that due ti the iften grim feeding conditions in the rift lakes wild caught fish are often small. I've just seen some wild caught tropheus moorii that were about an inch and a half max , adult!, and here rumours of 'flocks' of 2 inch haps. Does this sound likely?
I'm familiar with wild caught apistos which are usually much larger than tank raised, and ditto I've seen plenty of 3inch rams. But I believe that due ti the iften grim feeding conditions in the rift lakes wild caught fish are often small. I've just seen some wild caught tropheus moorii that were about an inch and a half max , adult!, and here rumours of 'flocks' of 2 inch haps. Does this sound likely?