How long before ammonia will spike?

I'm curious to know when my tank will finally spike with ammonia. I've had it tested three times-all at different LFS's, and the 2nd one actually said my ammonia was fine (think he was just trying to sell fish cause he said the tiger barbs he sold me would be fine with Angels).

Anyways, it's the 11th day and I tested my ammonia today and it looks like its close to "0"... maybe a little bit higher, it's hard to tell. I know there shouldn't be any ammonia, and my nitrites and nitrates are still zero, so I know it's still at the begining of the cycle, but will the ammonia get much higher? and when do you think the nitrosomas will start "kicking in"?

It's a 46G bowfront.

Ran for 10 days, then LFS said put few Tiger Barbs in. We had them for 9 days and then got 2 more and a 5-bunch of Anachris plants.

Would it just take longer than normal because we have a big tank with just a few small fish in there?

I just purchased some bio-spira, should I go ahead and put it in?



Superstar Fish
Nov 22, 2004
Cape Cod, MA
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I'd put the Biospira in and keep testing. The few small fish will take a while to produce enough ammonia in the large tank. Cycling times vary with each tank depending on conditions, stocking levels, maintenance..... With the conditions you're describing, the Biospira may get you fully cycled within a week. Just remember, there's cycled and there's stable -- so go slow adding any new fish until you see that stability in your test results over the next couple of weeks and test after each addition. Be sure to test the water every day and watch your fishies for signs of stress. Good luck! :)