How long should my tank light be off each day?


New Fish
Aug 2, 2010
I have a three gallon tank and I was wondering how long I should keep the light off each day. Is it only for a few hours or should I turn it off for the entire day when I am not usually home. Any advice would help!!


Large Fish
Sep 7, 2008
Hi Brian. I had a 3 gall on eclipse as my fisrt tank.

I had the light off every night. I had it on most during the day. If the spot was fairly well lit, I would leave it off unless I was home and wanted a good look.

Exactly how many hours it needs to be on depends on what is in the tank beside the fish. The fish needs a day/night cycle like you and me. If it is a planted tank, then you need to be giving those plants enough light - and that depends on the plants.

DO you have a male and female swordtail? My first fry were born in a 3 gal tank!


New Fish
Aug 2, 2010
That is the exact tank that I have as well! but no, I do not have a male and a female, I was sure to get two males due to the fact that if they did mate I would have no where to put the extra fish. but I gave the swordtails to my girlfriend who has a much bigger tank, and they seem very much happier. She is going to hold them for me until I can get a bigger tank.

And thanks for the advice with the light. I usually leave it off all day because it is pretty dark in my room where the tank is and I turn it on in the evening so I can watch them. they are always asleep when I turn it back on so I know they are sleeping. I was just wondering if there was any specific time the light shoud be on for them.


Large Fish
Sep 7, 2008
No specific time if we are just talking fish.... They live on a 24 hours cycle and need night and day cycles like we do. I believe it is recommended that is be regular as well....

No need to worry about swordtails fry. The adults eat the fry right up. Trust me...I know...... Out of 100 fry I have been able to raise 2. The rest were snacks.


Large Fish
Mar 9, 2009
Upstate NY
If your room is pitch black all the time then i would put light on for a few hours every day. The longer you leave your light on, the more algae growth you will promote.
if you get natural light in your room then you dont have to worry about turning light on ( unless you have plants in it). ive gone 2 weeks without putting light on. in the beginning i was leaving light on to long and had serious algae problems. but thats because they were also getting sunlight in the tank.