How long until ich-y fish feels better?


Medium Fish
Feb 16, 2003
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I think one of my new angels has ich, probably early stages, just a few white things on his/her long fins. I've completed a 3-day treatment for ich, but s/he's still hanging around in a quiet corner, not eating, only coming out occasionally (which is better than day 1). Last time I treated for ich, the fish were feeling better by the next day. Which is normal? Should this fish be feeling better by now? Is this just a dud fish and I should take it back? (Seems like a lot of trouble for a rather inexpensive fish, sorry if that sounds callous.)


Superstar Fish
Feb 24, 2003
Just give it some more time and be delicate. I dont suggest you take it back. And how could a fish be a dud? I thought only fireworks could be. Well anyways give it some time to heal and some time to come out. The fish may be shy so just get some active fish to encourage it to become active. This fish may be even more interesting then the un "dud" fish once it finally comes out of its shell.

- depthC

Apr 22, 2003
Also try raising the tank temperature into the 80F area. That speeds up the life cycle of the ich thingy so it dies faster. I think adding salt might help too, but I'm not sure on that one. But I think the life cycle of the ich thing can be over 20 days, if I recall correctly.


Medium Fish
Feb 16, 2003
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Someone else referred to one fish I bought that died immediately as a dud - one that was sick to start with and that will not make it, was my interpretation.

I keep my tanks at 80-82, so I've done that part, I suppose. The rest of the tank seems healthy, even one other new angel that seemed to be feeling poorly. I also have 5 large Austrailian Rainbows, 7 large (for Danios) Giant Danios, 5 med. Clown Loaches and 1 Clown Pleco, plus these 6 new angels. It's a 150g tank.

As long as the rest of the fish seem ok, I guess I'll give it more time. I just wish it would eat! Everyone else in the tank is voracious, so I really notice this one not eating.

How long does one usually wait before doing a 2nd round of treatment to kill off the ich when it is free-floating? 3 days?

Thanks for the help.
