How Many Angles in a 29G tank?


Superstar Fish
Aug 26, 2006
Thule, Greenland
I have a 29G tank. I am getting a Angel that is slightly smaller then your hand. I also wanted to get some more Angel but dont know if it would be a good idea. I am looking in the range of 4 to 6 more angels. I will also have one Alge eater (placostamus, or how ever you spell it), and some feeder guppies for food.


i have an angel in my 29, along with 2 mollies and 2 dwarf gouramis, and i like the look of it, everybody is doing their own thing, no schooling.
Yes one angel is generally the max, but if you get a breeding pair(which is hard to find) they should get along, but they may fight occasionally. One angel should be in at least a 20 gallon, with 10 gallons to himself. Remember angels are cichlids, not just nice and pretty fish, they are vicous. So basically only one for your setup.
AS for fish, i would ditch the plecostumus, because chances are its a common pleco, and those get to at least 18 inches. You could get some schooling fish like some larger tetras, such as bleeding hearts or skirt tetras, but make sure you dont get tiger barbs, as they will terrorize your angels fins. Or go with the setup like i have. Which ever your choice, i wish you good luck!


Medium Fish
Aug 27, 2006
I have black skirt tetras with my angel, a couple of rainbows and a small school of neons as well. The angel started out with the neons, so I am keeping fingers crossed they will be fine together. Good luck...loads of options on fish...


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
What shape is the tank. Your pronlem is that angels get awfully territorial when they spawn. In a 3 footer it's possible to keep more than a pair, but it might get a bit pushy at times.
The problem with angels eating tetras is far overrated - most aquaroium angels are too well fed to bother, but it is a calculated risk. I've done it lots.

Jul 22, 2006
Lonewolfblue said:
Actually, I think in a 29G you should be able to house a pair of angels (1m and 1f), but no more. And you will be limited on room for other fish when they start getting bigger as well.
Someone told me that its impossible to determine the gender of Angels. Only way to find out is when you witness the spawning. So, how can a person really know which is a boy or girl at the store? Is there any secrets to determining the gender?

Would it be best to have all Males or all Females?



Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
You can't tell, even "experts" sometimes get it wrong. That's why breeding pairs are expensive. You don't want "all male or all female," it doesn't really matter in a large tank (like your future 55g), and either 2 males or 2 females would fight in a smaller tank (like a 29g). This is why, if you want to find your own breeding pair, you have to get about 6 small angels and see which pair up as they grow.

Jul 22, 2006
I think it would be cute for your 29G to have just one Angel with a group of Black Skirt Tetras. It would seem like the Angel is the mother with children. :) Your family and friends may not even know the difference, they will probably think the Black Skirts are actually Angels.


Aug 27, 2006
my friend had a 20 gallon with 2 full grown angels and a full-grown gold gourami. this was a little overstocked but they all lived full-lives, in your 29 gallon, i would suggest, 2 angels, 4 black skirt tetras, 2 pearl gouramis ( they grow 4 inches ), and of course the pleco, this would be the limit but it would be a nice set-up

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
I think it would be cute for your 29G to have just one Angel with a group of Black Skirt Tetras. It would seem like the Angel is the mother with children. :) Your family and friends may not even know the difference, they will probably think the Black Skirts are actually Angels.

Or you could acctually breed the angels which is not very difficult at all and get real angel babies.

Jul 22, 2006
I am not sure if I am up for my Angels to have babies. If they do, I probably will have them all sucked up into the filter, anyways. The same for my Platies, I'm positive that the female had babies, but I missed it. They all were probably sucked by the filter or eaten. The only time that I've successfuly breed a fish, was with Betas. The babies lived for a few hours, then they all died. Feeding them was complicated. I have no clue on how to correctly feed the babies. Plus, I am not up for setting another tank, moving the eggs and everything. I'll just leave them alone.
