how many cichlids can i stuff into a 20 gal?


Superstar Fish
Oct 31, 2003
Hampshire UK
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If you're talking about Mbunas (which get to 5 or 6 inches), you'll only get two or three in there - max. Yes, you can fit 20 in while they're small - but very soon you'll be taking most of them back to the shop. Better to get it right from the start.......

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
Don't use those cookie cutter setups....they are out of their minds.

No to those reg. african cichlids.

And also don't go on any 1" per gal da dada da da such and such w/e. Look at cichlid stocking according to their overall aggression level. Yeah sure you gotta look into the overall growth but don't try and add up inchs to see how many would fit in your tank.

I personally can only keep a MAX of 2 Mbunas in a 29gal and thats really pushing it.

I suggest you look into Rams or Aspistos, maybe some other type of small South American Cichlid.

Mar 17, 2004
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ya, your method of stuffing until it looks full will only cause........ ALOT OF PROBLEMS!!!!!:eek: :eek:

For smaller tanks you could go with Shelldweller species.

But I would get some smaller South American cichlids for your tank.

What's a garden variety???? (Taffy i'm just as stumped as your are lol!)

May 6, 2004
Portland, Oregon
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If the tank looks empty then why not make something cool to go in the tank? A tube of marine grade silicone costs about three bucks and rocks are so free. Go nuts.

Aren't cichlids about as dirty as fish get. *remembering the shower of scales blowing from the Oscar's gills after eating feeders* They've definitely got a large bioload and they need to be thin in a tank. At 3 inches I'm worried that 3 dwarf caccatoos might be too much for my community tank. We'll see.

I have heard that overstocking a tank will abate some aggression in cichlids but I think it was limited specific variaties in monospecies tanks. All I remeber about crowded cichlids is my brother's six inch Oscar alone in a 10G tank. He couldn't swim a circle so he'd just float in one spot all the time. When I would go to feed him he'd get so excited that he'd do a 25% water change ... all . over . my . desk ! I don't think he was ever happy here. I'm so glad my brother took him back, either to a bigger tank or just someplace that I don't have to feel responsible for that long long face.

Don't overstock, no one wins.


Large Fish
Aug 31, 2003
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i've got 3 mbunas in a 29 and i definitely wouldn't add anymore! although they are only 1.5 inches to 2 inches they seem to take up a lot of the tank as they are very active and require a lot of space. I didnt realise how these fish needed so much space until i got some and now i am certainly glad i only got 3 but even happier that i got them.


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Controlled overstocking doesn't work in small tanks as the assumption the fish can escape in the crowd doesn't stand up in less than about 4 feet.

Mar 17, 2004
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If the tank looks empty then why not make something cool to go in the tank? A tube of marine grade silicone costs about three bucks and rocks are so free. Go nuts.
marine grade silicone?? isn't silicone toxic in the water:confused:

But phantom i would leave what you have;)