how many cichlids in a 55 gal?


Large Fish
Oct 30, 2006
okay i have this 55 gal that i want to set up and i am going to put an african mix of cichlids in it. i was going to put my angels in the 55 gal with the severum but i think the severum would be much happier with the angels 1 being their will be more room for he or she to grow and 2 they like the lower ph. anyway to get back to my oringal question... so how many cichlids could i put in my 55 gal without overstocking. i was thinking about some of the regular mix that lfs carry (yellow labs, kenyi, etc. (i think that is how you spell those)).


Large Fish
Oct 30, 2006
thank you. that is what i thought i justed wanted to be sure. i can get the cichlids that you see in the lfs labeled "mixed african cichlids" very cheap. $1 for 1 inch, $2 for 2 to 2 1/2 inch and $3 for 3 to 4 inch. i know a local breeder for them that sells to all the local lfs in my area. his fish room is huge. he does it for a living so you can imagine how big it is.