How many fish can I have?


Small Fish
Dec 28, 2004
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How many clown fish can I put in a Marineland Eclipse6? Do you think that 3 is too many? If you have had this tank have you had success with these fish in this tank. will any anonme that they like also fit? I tend to think they grow too big.

Thanx for the help,


Small Fish
Dec 28, 2004
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OK what anemome would be the right size? What should I look for?

Originally posted by zanoshano
i would say that 3 might be 1 too many. If i were you i would just have 2 clowns, Liverock, and the anenome. ANd not all anenomes grow to be really big. There are smaller ones that you could easilly fit into your tank. But as i said, i think three clownfish would be overstocking in a 6 gallon.

Oct 31, 2004
Monterey Park CA
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I wouldn't reccomend an anenome at all. They need high light, perfect condtions, and when they die they will foul up an eclipse 6 in an instant. Clownfish don't need an anenome host. Also the anenome will need feedings and there's always the chance it might get aggresive and attack your clownfish if disease strikes. If you plan on getting an anenome learn to care for it first and you will probably need a lot of light. Ask other people about anenome care though. I don't know much about them. HTH *SUPERSMIL*SUPERSMIL*SUPERSMIL