how many fish is to many

Jun 12, 2008
hi ive got a 15g or 80L tank and an wondering how many can i keep in it i have about 18 20 fish in it thay r mostly tetras noen's, rummy nioses, smaller fish what is a good number


Large Fish
Feb 27, 2008
Lynchburg, Va
hi ive got a 15g or 80L tank and an wondering how many can i keep in it i have about 18 20 fish in it thay r mostly tetras noen's, rummy nioses, smaller fish what is a good number
A good rule of thumb is 1" of fish per gallon of water. This is just a rule of thumb of course. You wouldn't keep a 10" Oscar in a 10 gallon tank- he wouldn't be able to turn around.

Do you mean you have 18-20 tetra's? Neons and rummy noses? For a 15g, this is probably as much fish as it can handle, and maybe a little too much.

Tetra's are a schooling fish. Usually you would keep at least 6 of a breed to make a good school.

Welcome to the tank! :)


Medium Fish
May 5, 2008
At this point, you are at the Max of the stocking capacity for that tank, I agree with Meghan (if not too much stocked). Make sure the filtration is higher than the gallon rating of the tank.

Just a word of caution, if you have a Chinese algae eater, be careful. #1, they get larger, #2, is they STOP Eating algae when mature, #3 they can get aggressive towards other fish in the tank (MEANING.. they will start eating the slime coat off of the other fish, hurting them in the process.)

Keep up on the partial water changes, and keep the filter running at top notch condition, feed sparingly, and you should be fine. ;)

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