how many fish

Oct 18, 2006
Oceanside California
First peice of advice before getting fish, is get tank set up in location you like cuz once its filled it is pretty much stuck there for long haul. I would get it set in place, choose substrate (rock/sand) Live plant, false plant... then put it all together, get filter running on it for a few days then do a fishless cycle. This will allow safe tank setup and let you chose the type fish you want and save them the stress of cycling a tank. It takes more patience this way but it is better in long run IMHO. While setting up tank you can surf the forums for ideas on layouts and doing this will give you idea of what type fish you want i.e. aggressive, community, semi-aggresive. each type has different needs my tank is setup for bottom dwellers i.e. loaches, eels, catfish. I have some schooling fish to complete the look. So once you know what type you want then you can get good estimate on amount of fish. Schools of fish= more fish in tank, but big fish i.e. clown loach and yo yo loach will need more space so less fish.

In my 60 gallon i had 45 fish in at one time now down to 37 all parameters are in green zones with monthly w/c. for pics of my tank look for posts by me and you will get idea of my tank layout and what it is holding.


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
I moved this to the freshwater beginner's section...assuming you're talking about freshwater right? That is a nice big that US gallons or British gallons? One is bigger than the other I believe.

You should take a look at what kind of fish are available near you and then come back to the internet and do some research on them. You could do almost anything with a big tank. If you found one fish that you really like you could make it a species tank (basically built all for that one type of fish with maybe one or two others in there as bottom feeders etc) or you could do a big community tank with the usual community, relatively easy going fish (tetras, barbs, angelfish, live bearers etc) or you could pick a type of fish like cichlids or south american/amazonian fish....whatever you'd like. The number of fish varies a lot because some fish get huge and other stay tiny so we really can't give you a number persay.

More important to start out with is going to be your equipment, filters, heaters, equipment to do water changes etc. If you let us know what you'd kinda like to do with the tank we can try to give you some more guidance/ideas.


Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
A general rule for stocking is 1 inch of fish, per gallon of water. So you could theoretically have 86 inches of fish in there. For perspective, you should look online to see what the max size of the fish you want to keep is, then add up all those inches to see how many you can fit in there.