How many German Blue Rams?


Superstar Fish
Oct 3, 2005
Gibsonburg, OH
Just wondering how many German Blue Rams I should get for my tank. It is a 38 gallon, heavily planted, with one male honey sunset gourami, 6 harlequin rasboras and 1 L204, or flash plec. It has a couple of pieces of driftwood, and 2 handmade pottery caves that I special ordered. Is it better to get them in pairs, or 1m/2f? I've heard both, so I just wanted some opinions. Also, can I keep more than 1 pair/trio in my tank?

The reason I'm asking is because I haven't been able to find any around here, and Aquabid has some but it is either 10 of them, or 3 pairs. I don't want to have to order them online again, so I want to get the max number in case any don't make it.


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
What's the foot print of your tank?

If I were to put any in my 45 gallon (36x18) I would highly doubt that more than two pair's would be able to breed at the same time. So I would guess that it's going to close to that for your tank as well. But this can, and very well might still lead to problems among themselves just because of the nature of the fish. They are teritorial, but it's going to come down to each individual fish.

Sounds like you would really like to breed them. Have you thought about putting the bunch in your large tank till you see a pair, and then moving the pair into a 10 gallon perhaps? From this you could get more than just two pair's breeding at the same time, and just leave the unlucky ones without a mate in the 38 gallon.


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
If it was planted well enough you could keep 4 males as long as you didn't have any females. If you want females then no more than 2 pair. 10 in any ratio as adults would be too many. You could order them and find new homes for the ones you don't want. They will be small when you get them so you would have some time before aggression or stocking limit was an issue.