How many in a 55g tank?


Large Fish
Jul 17, 2004
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Got my early xmas gift and now I'm kicking myself because I should've gotten the 75g tank for $50 more! Oh well ...

Anyways, I currently have 5 cichlids in a 20g tank. I inherited a couple so it wasnt my intention to put 5 in the 20. Now that I have the 55 can I add a couple more or will 5 be enough in the 55g?


Large Fish
Jul 17, 2004
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i have two texas cichlid, a convict and the other two I dont know anything about. I just know I got them from the assorted cichlid tank from the LFS. The two texas cichlid are not the dominant one. My one fish that is blue is the king of the tank.

Mar 17, 2004
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The Texas cichlids will be too big for the 55 gal.

Take the africans back also (which I will explain why shortly)

You can keep the con and maybe get afiremouth or a salvini for the 55 gal to go with the cons

OR keep the africans, put them in the 55 gal and get some more africans and have an african tank.

The reason I said to not have the africans (in your case you have mbuna) with the american cichlids you have (texas and convict) is because the water and diet requirements are different. Mbuna can't have a high protein diet (meaty foods) like the cons, texas or any other american cichlid, or else your mbuna will get malwai bloat and eventually die.

What are you feeding all of your fish right now?

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