How many more fish(mainly gours) can i have in my tank


New Fish
May 28, 2003
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I have a 2ft x 1ft x 1ft fish tank
Currently I have 2 Angels, 1 blue gour, 1 golden gour, 1 moonlight gour & 1 pleco (shop said it was 1 that didnt grow 2 big)

The fish I want & that r available at my local fish shop r :

Albino Catfish
Pearl Gourami
Dwarf Gourami
Thick Lipped Gourami
Coolie Loach
Flying Fox

how many more fish can i have in my tank
and which would be the best out of those



Superstar Fish
Apr 14, 2003
Valencia, California.
So do angels, your gonna want a pritty big tank to house all the fish you have. Plus, did you ask the fish store how big 'not too big' is? If its a common pleco you have it will get huge.
Let us know how many gallons it is you have so that we can make better recomendations for you =)

Oct 22, 2002
Bend, OR
Hey Mark, welcome!

I would have to say that every one of those fish is too big for the tank you've got them in currently. Even if the pleco was only an ancistrus (they look like plecos, but don't grow 3').

My recommendation? (yeah I know you weren't expecting this kind of advice when you posted =P) Either ditch the fish or ditch the tank. Get a 55 gallon and keep the fish you currently have, plus some! Or? Take the fish back and get the dwarf gouramis, khuli loaches and flying fox.

This would be in yours and the fishes' best interest. Crowding a small tank with large growing species leads to fights and foul water, which leads to stunted & diseased fish, and ultimately, untimely deaths.

That's my advice, which you can take or leave, I just post when I think I might be a help, or think I have something witty to say. The above information is regurgitaded, and is exactly what I was told when I first started hanging out here =)


New Fish
May 28, 2003
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Thanks 4 all ure advise

All the fish apart from the pleco r pretty much adults & they r gettin on fine

if i didnt get any more fish & got a 3ft x 1ft x 1ft, would that be better 4 them(soz im rubbish with gallons), dont really have any more money 4 a bigger 1, unless i saved up

Had the blue & golden gour 4 about a year. got moonlight & 2 large angels about 4 months ago & got pleco about 2 months ago

The pleco is diffenatly not a common, i just cant remember the name, if people gave me sum example of plecos i would reconise it

I am gettin sum pics developed that i could post on soon ;)

Any more advise welcome


Superstar Fish
I disagree with the statement that male gouramis attack each other like bettas will. I really do not think that is true. THey are just a little territorial and need their own space, just make sure that they each have a place they can hide and call their own. I have three dwarf males in my 10g tank and they are the best of buds. I have heard never to keep one without having others of the same species. They get lonely. Best is to get a set of three - that way the stronger one wont harrass the weakest one too bad. But a pair is what is usually suggested.


Superstar Fish
Apr 14, 2003
Valencia, California.
I think dwarfs are different to golden and blue gouramis when it comes to agression. Dwarfs can be very peaceful but I know that one of my goldens will attack the other any oppotunity it gets. Ofourse we must remember that it also depends on the particular fishes personality.
Anyway Mark_B, your tank is way too over stocked, the minimum tank size for one angel is a 29 gal, your gonna need at least a 55 if you wanna keep two. Id go and return both angels, they are not appropriate for that size tank. The gouramis should be in a larger tank too. If I were you I would turn all the fish in (except the pleco) for store credit and do your tank over, you could have dwarf gouramis, rams, corys, tetras, guppys, many other options.
Plecos, there are sailfin plecos, zebra plecos, royal plecos, bristlenose plecos (sailfins and royals will get big).
Good luck in whatever you choose to do =)

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New Fish
May 28, 2003
Visit site
Again Thanks for all ure advise
All the fish currently are getin on brillent, with no problems
& i have lots of hidin places & plants for them to go in
I should be gettin a 4 ft tank soon, which has got 2 be better, being twice the size
If the pleco does get 2 big then i will take it back, but 4 now he/she is fine
I dont beleive the gours r lonely becuause they dont have any of there own species in there, they r happy hanging around with the other gours

Apr 15, 2003

regular gouramis will fight eachother like bettas do. Maybe not 1 match to the death, but they will fight each other until someone eventually dies. Dwarf gouramis are an exception, they can be kept together. Most fish that are considered laberinth (spelling) fish will fight, like paradise fish and bettas.

another off topic example, dwarf hamsters can be kept in pairs, but regular sized hamsters or teddy bear hamsters must be kept alone or they will fight each other. :\