How Many Oscars.....


Medium Fish
Jun 1, 2006
Stroudsburg, PA
I had two in my 55 but the both fell victum to Hole in the head after about two years. I also had a great deal of trouble getting them to tolorate each other. I would say purchase 4-6 small 2" oscars from your local pet store with the condition that you would return the rest when you get two that pair off together. Be careful who you purchase from and ask weather or not they have had trouble with HTHD.


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
A 55 is too small for 2 oscars even if they pair up that will have issues from time to time. Oscars like to have their space. Not to mention the bioload of 2 full grown oscars in a 55 is way too much. Your Nitrates will be through the roof.

For 1 Oscar a 55 gal is bare minimum with a 75 really being a much better choice. For 2 you would need no less than a 110 gal tank.

A better choice for a 55 would be a severum, you could even get away with 2 of them, but that would be pushing it a bit.