How Many Rainbows?


Medium Fish
Feb 16, 2003
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I love Rainbows! The newbie's Discus, lol, at least that's how I think of them :)

I have Austrailians, Red and Boseman's, love 'em all. My Aust. are HUGE (for Rainbows at least), like 5-6". The others are babies. They are hungry buggers, too, greedy. If it's just Rainbows, going on the old 1" per gallon rule, only 6-7 if you intend to let them stay in the 25 forever. They do school well as a species, btw, so you could get 1's and 2's of each of them and they'll school together.

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I'd only stick dwarfs or pseudomugils in a 25. Maybe you could do 3 or 4 regular ones for a while but that 55 would be way better. You could stick 6 or so of em in the 55 for their entire lives. A longer tank is always better for em anyway since they love to swim back and forth. Give em some open space too, especially in a small tank like a 25. If your gonna get rainbows, search aquabid for some good ones, don't get your average run of the mill rainbows. They don't have any bragging rights w/ em. LoL have fun, they're great fish.