I'm a fan of frozen foods and perfer to use those since they are more nutritious than freeze-dried. Fresh of course is the best. Oscar diets should =not= consist exclusively of feeder fish (goldfish, minnows, guppies etc). Oscars can get nutritional diseases due to unhealthy feeder fish as well as the parasites that those feeder fish usually carry.
Use the pellets as the regular diet 3-4 times a day since they are the most nutritionally balanced. Once or twice a week give him a frozen cube (or half cube, whatever he'll eat) instead of one of his pellet feedings. Thaw the cube before you feed to make measuring out the ration easier. Most oscars can be taught how to eat from a feeding stick, although one as young as yours may be hand-tamable. Just be aware that if you don't hand tame your Oscar properly you may loose a finger or two when he gets older<G>.