How much crushed coral do I need?

Aug 28, 2006
I did a search, but couldn't find the info on how much crushed coral will I need for my 46 gallon bow tank? Will a 40lb bag be enough?

I'm also buying the Texas Holey rock, do you think that will look good?
How's is this list so far?

2 red zebras
2 yellow labs
2 cobalt blues
2 electric blue johanni
2 electric yellows

Should I add or remove any of the above including count?



Medium Fish
Aug 2, 2006
ok this is only my personal preferance and the fact that my labs are dead. I think you should not get the labs. If I was to do my tank over again i would go for groups of 4 or 5 rather than multiple different fish. This helps in giving you the oppurtunity to later remove really aggresive males, or removing all the females which isnt as fun. If you plan on doing frequent water changes you can overload. If you dont plan on doing a lot of maintanace less is more. ALso the lab aND electric yellow are the same fish? As far as crushed coral 40 lbs is way to much. You can go with maybe 5 pounds at the most. You ned to check your PH once it is in there, I have a 125 gal with almost 15 pounds of crushed coral but I didnt add it all at once. you can either put it in your filter or under your gravel. SOme people use it for their gravel but I think it is safer for the fish, looks better and its cheaper to use a different gravel or sand. Many people do this in different ways this is just how I would do it. and dont forget adding rocks