over a 10 gallon shoot for anywhere from 40-100 watts, you can keep nice corals, 1 fish, or maybe 2 small ones, and some cool inverts in a 10, I would shoot for the higher end of the wattage.
well i got all the stuff accept sand and a light for my salt water nano its 10gs im using my 30g light on it for now next week ill pick up a power head and i think 4 more pounds of live rock then in 2 weeks after that ill get 4 more pouns im thinking 12-16 pounds would look really nicei got an air stone and the filter directly over and under the live rock for now till next week when i get my huge paycheck and i buy a power head and 4 more pounds of live rock.. and maybe my diy lighting system.. i saw a light at wallmart called a growth light it was 20inch and had 75 watt output i was thinking on tryng that