How much should I pay?

Sep 6, 2006
St Louis
So this guy called me saying he heard I was looking for fish tanks and he had one, do I want it? It's a 39 gallon, he got it a few months ago and didn't realise how much maintenence it was going to be (?!). Anyway, he has 2 dogs and works and goes to school blah blah blah.

So it's a tank, with a stand, still has the cichlids in it. He paid $260 and is hoping to get $200. Is that a good price? Thing is, I don't really want cichlids yet, so I'm gonna take them back to the lfs, and my hubby wants all the decor in our downstairs tanks to MATCH (cuz he's a weirdo) so we're gonna be spending all that money on the extras as well...

So, do I shell out $200, try to talk him down, or just wait for a better deal?


Superstar Fish
Feb 16, 2006
I'd check out Craigslist and ebay first, I paid $150 for a 75gal with filtration, gravel, decor, lighting, nice wooden stand, etc... there are better deals out there, I woulden't pay $200 for a 30gal unless it was SW, fully planted with awesome lighting, or something like that... just an every day 30gal... nah... I am thinking about what will go with mine when I sell it, but I know I won't ask for anything near that much. LOL Wish you were closer, I'd hook you up with a 30gal setup for less than half that price. I have a 32gal long tank and stand only that's going for $32. Keep you eyes peeled. If you were going to keep the decor and fish, maybe it would almost be worth it, but don't pay for things you don't want or need.


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
I think that's a bit steep, even with everything included. It's a used setup, and he want almost what he paid for it new? I would ask if he'd take $100, but that's still kinda on the high end (or not, depending what kind of cichlids it's got. If he's got nice ones, you can probably sell them to a store or trade them towards fish that you do want).


Large Fish
Aug 23, 2006
Yeah unless it comes with very good lighting I would pass on that. I just got a 55G truvu one piece tank with a stand, lighting, powerheads, etc.. for $75 on craigslist. It’s all about shopping around. I suggest to find the craigslist in your area, and set up an RSS feed with the keyword "fish". I called the lady 5 mins after she posted and since I was so eager she held the tank for me. Look for post where the adds are for people moving. I think that’s where you get the best deals. No one wants to move a large tank and most of the time they are still set up you can see there aren't any leaks. It’s a win, win. Just make sure you bring enough supplies to tear down the tank, and some stuff to clean it up.

I wouldn’t spend more than $150 on a used tank + stand + lighting set up. You can get a brand new 55G at petsmart for $100. Stands at dr. foster and smiths are about $120. So basically a brand new 55G set up would be about $250 after tax and shipping. What would you rather have a brand new 55G or a used 39G.


Superstar Fish
Jul 15, 2006
well i got a 56gal tank with stand, lights hood everything uncluding heater fluval 304 filter crushed coral substrate about 100 pounds of rock and 7 fish (cichlids)all for 250$ canadian. so honestly, i woudlnt buy from him if i were u


Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
Yeah, seems a bit high to me too. Try and talk him down. If it includes decorations/filtration/heater/light etc. it might be a better deal, but still too much.

Off question...but why would you want every tank to look the same? (haha) Every tank I have has a different theme so you are looking into a different world every tank. You have an awesome "Roman" themed tank, why not do a bunch of themed tanks? This is my dorky side, but I've always wanted to do an Ancient Egypt tank complete with sand and pyramids...haha.

Jan 13, 2006
LOL i overpaid for my first tank and vowed never to do it again, my 55 g (the one i still have) was bought when i was 16 and it was 700 dollars for the tank, filters, and decor, i got it at a high end petstore and i found out later i could have gotten it for much much less if i had shopped around, but the other tanks i have bough have been reasonable, my 25 tall was 70 dollars for the tank, lights, filter and decor, and my 10 gallon was about 50 dollars (bought the full kit thing) my next tank WILL be a 75 g (regardless of what hubby wants lol) and the one im looking at costs around 100 dollars for the tank and lights. im cheap when it comes to the stands and make my own plus i would rather have real wood over particle board any day. im planning on a nice burgundy stand and hood for my 75g and it will prob. be about 50 dollars to build.

Sep 6, 2006
St Louis
Okay, so I went to look at it this morning. Nice tank. The guy didn't seem to know much about fish - I know, shocker, right? - anyway, it's an Eclipse tank (that would've been helpful info to tell me over the phone). Thing is, it's not new. He bought it from somebody else, one of the guys I work with, actually. It's in good shape, and it's beautiful. Has gravel, wood and like 5 or 6 assorted cichlids. It's the first cichlid tank I've ever actually seen (besides angels) and they were fascinating. I see why all you guys get them.

But still. $200????

Oct 19, 2006
Southern, CA
i dont really know im new here and im looking for a tank looking for a 29 or 37 gallon, no luck yet.....but from what ive seen 200 looks kinda high but if it like what you say it is it is a possiblity.....and asst. cichlids are what i want to get my friend has some and they are just the coolest fish lol...but good luck with whatever decision you make!