how much should it cost

Jul 23, 2006
a buddy of mine wants a 55 gallon tank hes buying it all brand new and its looking to be $1800 this is what his list of stuff is

45lbs of rock
2 x 40lbs of sand

Stand and Tank 320
55g from walmart or better
mixed media stand

Supplements 160,99
Phosban 1
Reef Pack:Fundementals 3
Reef Advantage Calcium 2
Reef Calcium 2
Phosphate filter pads 4
Seachem reef builder 3

Misc Equipment 449
Pro salt mixing kit 1
Hydrometer with liquid thermometer 1
super skimmer needle wheel 1
Maxi jet 295gph 3
Aquarium pharm GH/KH kit 2
phosphate test kit 2
master liquid test kit 2
calcium test kit 1
theremometer 1
150w heaters 2
magnum 350 1

Odd Stuff 55
carbon 1
sea salt 160g mix 1
rotifiers 1

Lighting 240
Ice cap 660 VHO Ballast 1
wiring kit 1
48" reflector 1
all glass canopie 1

is it me or is he spending way to much on a 55 gallon tank


Small Fish
Sep 12, 2006
I think so but hobbies arent cheap..If I was spending 1800 it would have to be a bit bigger than a 55 gal. Just my opinion

Theres nothing wrong with getting a used tank as long as you water test it before you buy it. You can find some really good deals locally and even find some killer deals where people just want to get rid if them because either out of hobby, or lack of space. That would be my route.

Jul 23, 2006
well here is my dilemma my lfs got a guy a
180gallon tank with stand
sump heaters filters skimmers power heads everything
2 inch sand bed i think it was 100lbs live rock
orbits light system 800 watts i do beleive
all glass top water and salt with a test kit for lil under $1800
so all my freind has that this doesnt is the suppliments wich hes only got $160set aside for it
ok so we have a 55gall setup for 1800 hes paying almost $33 per gallon
and a 180 gallon setup for 1800 $10 a gallon
am i the only one who sees an issue

Jul 23, 2006
im not one to say dont spend your money trust me ive invested prolly 1800 into my tanks in the past 3 months thats including ro water salt doing water changes new fish new anemone when i first started i killed alot of things testing supplies but it just seems way 2 much


Small Fish
Sep 12, 2006
If there is a local pet store that you guys deal with on a regular (privately owned mom and pops type not a chain store) then I think he would prolly find his best deals there. Keep shopping around, theres always a better deal somewhere. I would personally stay away from Walmart for the tank, fish and fish supplies are not their specialty.

wally world tanks are fine. at one point i had 9 tanks, and all but 2 were from there. no problems at all with them. they are inexpensive and hold water. last i checked, thats all they were meant to do. walmarts equip is a lot cheaper than petsmart IMO. i go there for my heaters, filters, tanks, and gravel. everyrhing else i get is from this little family owned place.


Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey
1800 for a 55 seems way to much for some reason. Ive got my 90 up and running for reef and its totaled complete about 1100 (custom tank and stand at that) (and AquaC 120, halides, mag return, seios all used and working like brand new)


Medium Fish
Apr 12, 2006
Trujillo Alto, Puerto Rico
me too i agree 1800 for 55 thats way to much it should be at least 90 so its a good investment 55 is to small then ull want a bigger tank and have to spend more on an upgrade than waht u would have on the 90 g the first time around that my opinion and yeah i could say that cause i started with a 5 gl tank then went to 10g then to 30g and i finally realized all the money i wasted on those i should have gone i bought the 90 g i got last first and save me the trouble and money and also forget the pre mixed water its way to expensive i just got the big bucket of salt and top sleves spring or mineral bottle water like cristalia or any other brand the one that u buy in those bigh 5 gallons blue water bottles works to and mixe it and its the same for more than half the price

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Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
1800 for a 55 is a terrible amount of money for a bog standard 55 with VHO lights and a load of useless supplements. I think that is a horrible deal. The more I think about it, the less I like it.