How much Shrimp

I plan on havinga 55gal, tank with live sand and live rock, with a "nemo" clown fish,

I was wondering what would be the max of shrimp I could add, I would like to add more than one varety, the one I have my eye on are all peacefull and work well with other type.


Large Fish
Jul 1, 2003
Chicago, Illinois
it also depends on your tank setup, whether you have a reef or not, and whether or not you really want to feed dozens of shrimp which would probably get to be pretty expensive. has a list of a bunch of common/not so common shrimp you can house in your aquarium. if this is your first tank, i suggest taking it slow, and only getting one or two shrimp to start off with, just to observe them and learn their behavior before getting a dozen of them and killing them all due to inexperience. i always cringe when i hear people ask "so how many of these can i get?" because it's only people who are uneducated in the way of that particular organism that ask that. inverts for saltwater tanks require a lot of additional care, and require a lot of additional nutrients most saltwater fish don't require. it's a good idea to read up on marine inverts before stocking them. pick a species of them you want, read up on them, and then pick a few more and do the same. i wouldn't put more then 10 shrimp in a 55 gallon aquarium, but that's just me. and i definitely wouldn't mix more than 3-4 species together, because it could spell disaster if you aren't careful. sorry if this sounds harsh, but it's better if you know as much as possible before getting something, or at least have your foot in the door. it will save you and your shrimp a lot of hassle and stress.

I plan on having

cleaner shrimp
pepermint shrimp
fire shrimp

I want to start with the cleaner and see from there

I want to have 2 clown, royal grama

mayby a hippo tang

a dragonet and a seahorse (those I will see I know they are very sensitive and should only be added in a "old tank"

I only plan on having the dragonet and seahorse like 1-2 years after my tank is fully operational, mayby more. I don't plan on having more thant 6 shrimp, but I tought it was still a big number.

Like I said I will start small and when every thing is ok will go for more. My fisrt fish I will add will be the clown, and I'll see for the rest. I have a freind who is a marine biologiste who I can go see if I have trouble but he is a very bussy man.


Medium Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Oakland, NJ
Your choice of shrimp will be fine. I would get 2 of each species to make them more comfortable and so they produce plankton for your tank.

Please do some research on seahorses. They are very demanding creatures who require a species tank due to their feeding requirements. If you place them in a tank with other fish, chances are they will not get a chance to feed due to their low mobility.



Large Fish
Jun 30, 2003
you should try putting a less aggressive fish in there before you introduce a clownfish because they'll dominate the tank and harrass most new-comers. try 5 or more pacific green chromis. they're a schooling fish. just don't add too many. but they're great. they're always moving around, and they even change colour under light. lol and fire shrimp are the same as skunk cleaners. the fires just cost more.


Large Fish
Jun 30, 2003
yeah the cleaner shrimp are a little better at actually cleaning other fish. most chromis are the same, it's just the fact that the green chromis cost a little less, but they still look awesome.

and good point on the tang jaws2!
