I have 6 Kenyi and they are from 3 1/2 inches to 2 inches in size. I feed them 3 times a day around 1/4 teaspoon of their flakes each feeding, and before turning out the lights at night I put in one pellet per fish in the tank that they munch on at night. This seems to not be enough. I know most Ciclid's that I have had, Oscars, generally are pigs and will eat till they just pop and you have to be careful how much you feed them. Is this the same with the Kenyi? I have asked around and have been told by others that own Kenyi that I should feed them till they don't eat anymore at the feeding. When I feed them the flakes they eat the flakes up in around 20 seconds and want more but I have been afraid to feed them more.
Any help would be appreciated. They are not being over fed as far as excess food in the tank as they eat everything I put in there and hop out of the water wanting more.
Any help would be appreciated. They are not being over fed as far as excess food in the tank as they eat everything I put in there and hop out of the water wanting more.