How much to feed?

I just got 3 Neon Tetras (really small) and 2 dalmation somethings that are about 1.5 inches each, I have been feeding them a pinch a day but do not really know how much I should be feeding them. They eat really fast so that is making me think they need more but I have no idea. Any insight is appreciated.

Nov 3, 2005
New York
i feed mine a little bit, if none is left, i feed them some more, just mke sure all of the fish are eating, some of the fish can be hogs and the other fish dont get fed. its trial and error, all fish are different


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
Usually I feed mine about 5 out of every 7 days in differing amounts and types of food. The "rule" is usually feed them once a day as much as they'll eat in 3-5 minutes...but feed slowly so not much is wasted, or if its floating then take out any excess.

One good thing to judge is by looking at their tummies and if they're puffed up a little after feeding then thats good...if they aren't puffed up and looks like they're suckin their tummy in then they probably need more food or a different kind of(more nutritious) food.