How to catch a very fast fish?

I spent about an hour today trying to catch a siamese algae eater and a botia from my 75 gallon tnak, that were only temperary for that tank, the tank is going to be an Amazon theme tank and already has a few of it's permant residents in there, but it's just to hard trying to catch these 2 fish, the driftwood and plants don't help and if i move the gravel the tank becomes murky!

Are there any tricks to catching fish like these?


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
There are a few different techniques. I remember another thread a while back on how to catch fast moving fish. I think one method would be to have 2 nets. One big one and a smaller one to "herd" the fish towards the larger net. It's all about tricking the fish. I think one person said he trained his fish to like going into the net so that come time to relocate them there would be no problem in catching them since they are used to the net being in the tank. Maybe if u lure the fish in a large net with some food. :)


Large Fish
Jul 1, 2003
Madison, Wisconsin
Visit site
This is how I would do it.

-Take out the heater and filter.
-Remove the top of you aquarium
-Pour about 1 packet per gallon of jello in to the tank (anyflavor works)
-Let jello solidify
-Get a big spoon and scoop out chunks of jello untill you reach your fish.


Large Fish
Jul 16, 2003
Aurora, IL
I agree with Gomer, I've had more luck netting from under the fish than trying to heard them into a 2nd net.

and if you watch some "professionals" at your LFS, most of them use this method.

you could always try using the bottom of a clear 2L soda bottle to catch them. many people have reported success with this method also.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Sin City, again...
with a spear gun!no i use two nets.i use one to chase the fish into the other net.also a clear bag from your lfs or a 2l bottle works too chase the fish into the bag or cut out the botttom of the bottle and chase him into the bottle


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
Clear bottle Balance was saying. Cut the bottom of a clear bottle (however big you need for the fish...i use a bottled water bottle bottom for catching baby guppies...but they're tiny so depending on the fish you might need a 2 liter or something) Your fish should be used to your hands being in your tank, so just hang on to the bottle, its clear so they can't see it very well, and scoop them up into it. Next thing they know they're somewhere else!
By the way...I think this is also a great technique if you can find the right container because sometimes netting fish just freaks them out so bad or hurts them, and this way they don't have to come out of the water completely :)