How to determine pump GPH ?

Hello and sorry if posted in wrong section.

My question is this I have a water pump which appears to be a Mag Drive Water Pump and all commercial indicators of its capabilities have long since warn off and being a second hand unit was wondering how one would be able to gauge its out put. Some dimensions I have found for the unit are unclear of what they are effectively measuring so I can not go by that.

I also have a Power Plus 600 power head that I have not been able to find out what its out put is as well and was wondering if any member here may know of its specs. Have Googled the power head with no positive results the commercial data plate on that unit is as follows:

Power Plus 600
Irvington N.J 07111
Ser. 6XF 41758R Mod. JA2c153N#
115V 50/60 HZ .64A 1550 RPM .009HP
Thermally Protected

Thanks in advance for your time.