How to feed EVERYONE in the tank?

Apr 22, 2011
Hello, I'm new here. I have a 55 gallon with top, mid, and bottom level fish. I am worried about my khulies, as they are extremely shy and don't come out for feedings. I can't leave food "out" for them, as we have SNAILS *DISGUSTING* and any food will just cause another explosion. I want to feed ALL the fish at once.
Any suggestions on getting everyone on schedule?

Oct 29, 2010
Kuhli loaches tend toward the nocturnal. You may have better luck dropping sinking catfish pellets in for them while you feed the other guys right before the lights go out for the night.

Good luck! And welcome to MFT!


Large Fish
Nov 13, 2010
Northeastern Tennessee.
Hello; In addition to feeding near the time of lights out, I will drop some floating food on one end of a tank and some sinking food, like shrimp pellets, in the part of the tank where I have some structure for the kuhli's to hide. I have some pieces of old blackboard slate stacked in the tank and the kuhlis stay under that.

My kuhlis and cory catfish are active feeders and quickly seek the food that I deliberately place on the bottom. I have snails in all of my tanks on purpose for the job they do that is overall a benefit to the health on a tank. I find that there are fewer snails in the tank with the corys and kuhlis than in the other tanks without them. The fish appear to outcompete the snails for fish food.