I have a tropical tank with three butterfly loaches who are like 24-hour algae lawn mowers. I know they're getting something to eat, because they're very spunky and I see them poop, but here is my dilemma. I want to get more algae to grow in my tank so that they will have more food, because they will not come down to the bottom to eat anything, ever. I have some brown algae finally growing on a couple of decorations, and a teeny bit growing on the silicone sealant on the joints of the aquarium, but is there any way to get more to grow? Especially since they won't, for some reason, ever latch on to the decorations. I have my aquarium light on for about eight hours a day, and have recently added two live plants, which I have heard might help algae grow. I am wary of putting any sort of aquarium plant fertilizer in the tank. Does anyone know a good way to at least help what I have to grow and proliferate?